¶chapter four¶

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When he reached his room, he found everything in its place as he left there. When he didn't use to be here, this room got mostly locked but Raima made sure to clean it fortnightly herself.

Faris walked inside and looked around. His bed's sheet was meticulously stretched across, his room didn't have any single grain of soil, and his wardrobe was also neatly set. On the side table, he found a family photo of them minus their father. Faraan and he were standing on both sides of their mother. He smiled as he moved his hand on his mother's figure.

Raima was a poor cousin of Burak Kirmani. When her father; Kirmani's uncle was on the verge of dying, he took a promise from him to give his name to his daughter. Burak had no other choice than to accept his plead. Raima was his only child and after him, she would be lonely. Quickly, he arranged their nikkah while just after a few minutes, Raima's father died but now she was Burak's wife.

The twins were ten years old at that time. When Faris's mother got to know this news, she thought of this as a betrayal by her husband. Despite how much Burak tried to make her understand that it was an unwanted decision for him as well, she didn't agree. In this sorrow, she died after a few years.

Raima was a good woman. She knew her father's wish made her sabotage Burak's first wife and sons' rights. But what could she do now? What was to be happened, had occurred. Her remorse got more pronounced when the other woman died, thinking it was all a deception. She didn't want this. Especially for the poor, young kids.

The twins developed a hatred for her. For them, it was she who made their mother leave them and took away their father from them. But then she aimed her level best at taking care of them and filled the void which was there due to the death of their mother. Faraan quickly understood and got melted by her kind and loving manner. He even started calling her Mama. But Faris was a sensitive child from the start. This whole scenario hurt him the most and then he could never bring himself out of effect. That was the reason, he still hated that woman and even his father who according to him, cheated on his mother with Raima.

Despite how much Raima wanted, Faris still didn't clear the misunderstanding regarding her. But she always cared for him and Faraan as a mother. She loved them on the same level as Fiza, her own biological daughter.


After having a calm shower, he felt relaxed. When he reached downstairs, he found his twin brother already sitting in the dining hall, busy with his phone. Faraan's eyes widened. Looked like no one told him about his arrival and it happened because Faris himself wanted to give him a sudden surprise.

Standing across one another, they seemed carbon copies of each other. Same facial features, the same heights, and muscular bodies. But there were some mild differences in them too which anyone living with them could notice. One of the most significant ones was that Faraan had a scar under his right eye. It happened in his childhood when he fell down the stairs.

"Yo, bro! When did you come?" Faraan asked him, slightly slamming his hand on Faris's chest.

"Just a few hours ago," he replied.

Faraan grimaced. "And you didn't even tell us."

He grinned and tucked one of his hands inside his pocket. "Everyone knew it except you. I wanted to keep it a surprise for you and Fiza."

Faraan punched his taut shoulder playfully. "You have gotten evil, Faris."

Faris chuckled out loud at this. "How are you, by the way?"

He twisted his mouth. "Handsome."

Faris shook his head as his lips spread. He knew how cocky was his dear brother.

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