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"I love you too now stop baby my friends are here." He said as they walked over. I pouted a little. I hated being the 'quiet girl' it meant that if anyone found out I was dating Y/bf his reputation would be ruined and he wasn't willing to do that for me, at least not yet. He let go of my hand and left me to walk back over to my best friend. Luckily for me she was dating one of Y/bfs friends. "He's still not telling them?" She asked as I slowly slumped over to her. I hummed shaking my head. "Honestly he's got to give up his act." She said. "We both know he's no bad boy." I laughed it was true, he was only like that around his friends. Y/bsf walked over to her boyfriend playfully tugging him down by his collar and kissing him. He pulled away smirking at her. I looked over at Y/bf we awkwardly made eye contact for a few seconds until he started talking to his friends again. Y/bsf shot me a sympathetic look and started talking to her boyfriend. I awkwardly stood between her and one of the boys. "Y/Ns looking pretty good today." One of the boys smirked winking and causing everyone to start laughing. I looked at Y/bf I could tell he was taking his laugh, he looked hurt but he wouldn't speak up. I ran off almost in tears. What was the point? He was supposed to be my boyfriend yet he's so embarrassed of me, he's heartless around his friends. I ran to my locker and opened it attempting to hide my face. "Y/N?" He must've ran after me, I sighed waiting for him to come up to me. "Are you okay?" He asked taking my hand into his. "Am I okay?" I scoffed. "Y/bf do I look okay? Honestly what's the point in this? In us. You're so embarrassed of me. I've had enough of your 'bad boy' act. I can't be with you if it's going to be like this it truly hurts." I looked him in the eyes. He stayed silent and I couldn't really tell how he felt. I attempted to walk off but he held me back holding onto my hand. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I can't stand seeing you hurt. I should've stood up for you back there." He pulled me closer and hugged me tightly. I pointed behind him. "Your friends are looking." He shrugged holding me tighter. "I don't care anymore. I can't lose you. If they can't accept us then fuck them. I'd rather have you. I love you." He said kissing my forehead. "I love you too." I looked up at him and he kissed me as his friends crowded around us, shocked. He didn't say anything to them just held me tightly whispering in my ear how much he loves me and how sorry he was.

Thanks Anxiety_Teen13 for the imagine idea

If y'all have any requests then I'll happily write them for you 🥰

Boyfriend/Crush imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن