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Another request :)


"I've moved some of you into new seats." The teacher said picking up a piece of paper from her desk. "Y/N you're sitting in that seat next to (Y/Bf's ex)." She said pointing to one of the chairs. I sighed rolling my eyes. She was my arch enemy and she's been trying to break me and Y/Bf up ever since she found out we were together. She smiled sweetly at me as she sat next to me making me feel sick. I hated her. A lot. Y/Bf looked over at me a little worried. He knew me and his ex had a problem with each other and had almost got into a fight, which Y/Bf had only just managed to stop. I tried to ignore her as much as I could and it wasn't that hard until she started tapping me on the shoulder. "Y/N." She said every time she tapped me. "What." I said looking over at her. She just smiled "hey." I replied with "hi" before quickly turning back to my work. "How are you and Y/Bf?" She said. "We're good thanks." I said looking over at her to see her winking at Y/Bf. I tried to ignore it and I looked at Y/Bf who was bright red and rolling his eyes. "You don't deserve him." She said still looking at him. "I don't even know how he's still with someone as ugly and boring as you." She was pouting her lips at him and even went as far as blowing him a kiss. I was starting to get mad. I looked over to Y/Bf for comfort but he wasn't facing this way anymore. "Well I can clearly see why he broke up with you. No boy would want to be with a girl like you for more than a week and if you think you're gonna take Y/Bf away from me then you're wrong." I said. "Oh really. Well I was talking to Y/Bf just this morning and he was telling me how much he wants me back and that he loves me. You guys aren't gonna last much longer." She said looking at me. "He would never do that!" I said rolling my eyes at her but she just laughed. "Just look at you. That's enough reason for him not to want you!" She said. I was trying not to start anything but she was basically asking for it. "Don't have anything to say now do you?" She laughed. She carried on pulling faces at Y/bf and he wouldn't even look at me anymore he just looked at her. I didn't realise I had started crying until I felt a tear fall onto my book. "Aww look she's crying." She said laughing. I was so mad and pretty upset. "Fuck off (Y/Bf's ex)! You're such a bitch!" I shouted, tears were rolling down my face and she just laughed. I really wanted to hit her. I think Y/Bf could tell that because he ran over next to me and tried to hug me. I pushed him away and ran out the classroom. Y/Bf ran behind me with all my stuff. "Y/N!" I slowed down so he could catch up to me. "I hate her so much!" I said. "I know baby. What happened in there though?" He said putting his arms around me. "She said that I didn't deserve you and called me ugly. She told me that you were texting her that you loved her and-" Y/Bf kissed me. "Listen babygirl, if anything I don't deserve you. You're perfect and I wouldn't change you for the world. She's lying to you. I have her blocked on everything and you know I would never do that to you. You're my world and the love of my life. I love you so much babygirl." I melted into his hug and he kissed the top of my head. "I love you too." I looked up at him and jumped up to kiss him. He caught me and held me. "Don't ever leave me." I whispered. "I wouldn't dream of it." He said hugging me tighter. The bell for the end of the day went and we he put me down. I picked up my things and held his hand and we both walked out to his car. 


My guitar broke :/ 

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