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This is a request for @xMomoRiinx
I grabbed my jacket before walking out the door. I was going to see Y/bf today. I stopped at the shops before I drove to his house so I could get some of his favourite ice cream. I knocked on his door as soon as I got outside his house. No one answered. I texted Y/bf and called him to let him know I was outside. I rang the doorbell this time and eventually his mum opened the door. "Oh Y/n. Hey, I didn't know you were coming." She moved to the side letting me into the house. "Hey ma, where's Y/bf?" I said hugging her once I got into the house. Y/bf's mum was like my second mum, me and Y/bf had been best friends since kindergarten. "He's upstairs in his room. He hasn't come out since last night." She said a little worried. "Oh." I said getting worried too. I walked up the stairs and down to Y/bf's room. I knocked on the door. "Hey, it's me." I said knocking again. "I brought ice cream." He opened the door. I pushed the door open to see that he was sat on his bed. His face in a pillow and his headphones in his ears. "Are you okay?" I asked sitting down next to him. He didn't say anything just pushed his face further into the pillow. "Y/bf look at me." He shook his head. I wrapped my arms around him. "Please tell me what's wrong." This was the most upset I had seen him even after years of knowing him. He turned into my chest, I pulled him in tighter. "Why can't people accept me? Why can't I fit in like all these other guys?" He said looking up at me. His eyes were red and puffy and he had tears rolling down his cheeks. "Y/bf. You're perfect just the way you are. I wouldn't change you for the world. You're so strong, amazing, talented and funny. There's so many good things I could list about you." I whispered. He stayed silent. "You're so handsome, any girl would be lucky to have you." I said. He stayed in my arms. "You're the best Y/n. And you give the best hugs." He put his arms around my waist. I smiled looking down at him. "Y/n, I really can't keep this a secret anymore." I gave him a confused look. "I love you. I have for a couple of years. You've always been the girl I imagined my future with." He said pulling away from me. I was speechless; Y/bf looked away from me. "I-I love you too." I said. He looked at me. I pulled him closer again and kissed him. I quickly pulled away. "Be mine?" Y/bf said hovering over my lips. I nodded and he kissed me. He moved his hands to cup my cheeks and started kissing me more passionately. "I'm the luckiest man alive." He said once he pulled away.
The new Juice album is so gooddd 😭😍

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