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Stress was only one of the feelings I was feeling right now. I walked into my room and threw my bag onto my desk which was piled up with paper. I lay down on my bed with my face in my pillow. I hadn't slept for days. I cried into my pillow. I had been trapping myself in my room and I hadn't properly talked to anyone for a while. But with all these exams coming up I was so stressed and felt unprepared even after endless hours of studying. "Sweetie, I have to go to work now. I've left you some food in the oven! Dad will be back by 9!" My mum shouted up the stairs. "Okay!" I shouted back. I felt tired but I knew I couldn't let myself sleep. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled it out to check who it was. Y/Bf was trying to call me; I hung up and saw that he had been trying to text me. There were about 14 unread messages from him. I opened them and read them. He was typing again but then decided to just call me instead. I decided to just pick up. "Y/N are you okay?" He asked. "Mhm." I hummed. "Well you're not. What's going on?" He asked. "Nothing." My voice cracked a little. "Have you been crying baby?" He said worried. "I love you." He said and then he hung up. Y/Bf knows me so well, there was no point in lying to him but I didn't want to worry him. I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to try and wake myself up a bit so I didn't fall asleep. It was Friday. Usually I would be sat watching Netflix and spending hours scrolling through tiktok and Instagram. It seems like these exams have taken over my social life and pretty much all of my life. I sighed as I tried to find my pen under all of the paper on my desk. I heard keys in the door a couple of minutes later. "That can't be dad it's only 5. Mum probably forgot something." I sat down at the desk and found a blank piece of paper and started writing notes out of my book. "Y/N? Baby where are you?" It was Y/Bf, why was he here? He walked into my room. "Oh my- Y/N are you okay?" He said running up to me and hugging me. I started crying in his arms. "Aww baby." He kissed my cheek. I stood up and sat on the bed next to him. "I'm just so stressed out." I said. "I know baby." He put his arms around me again. "You look tired. When was the last time you slept?" He asked. "I don't remember." I said yawning. "Y/N I know you're stressed but trust me it's all going to be fine. You're smart. You need to look after yourself princess." He said. I nodded "Thank you." I kissed him. "Here let's clean up a bit." He said standing up. He helped me clean up my desk and sort out all the empty plates and books everywhere. I felt so much better after we cleaned up. "Come cuddle baby girl." He said sitting on my bed. I sat next to him and he put his arms around me. We talked about random things while he played with my hair. I was so tired "Go sleep." He said kissing my forehead. "I love you." I said yawning. "I love you more." I couldn't argue I was so tired. I fell asleep pretty much straight away. How did I get so lucky?


I wrote this ages ago in my notes but I forgot about it lolll :) 

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