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This is a request for brideofharrystyles 


Finally, lunch break! I thought as I walked out of my boring chemistry class. I waited in the corridor for Y/Bsf. She walked out the class speaking to Y/Bf, the boy I had liked since the start of freshman year. They both stopped talking as soon as they saw me. "We have band practice." I said to Y/Bsf as soon as she walked over to me. She nodded and we both walked to the lunch hall to get food. "So what were you talking to Y/Bf about?" I asked her while we waited in line.  She didn't say anything just gave me a weird look. She then sighed before saying "you." and turning away from me. "Wait what?" I said confused. She didn't say anything and we awkwardly stood in line as we got food. We then went to the music room for band practice, well it wasn't really band practice because the only ones who actually seemed to know about it was me and Y/Bsf. Y/Bsf picked up a guitar and I set up a mic. She started playing the chords to Tip of my tongue. I smiled, this song always made me think of Y/Bf. "Ready?" she asked me tuning her guitar and strumming a chord. "Yeah." She nodded and started playing the tune. I started singing. I closed my eyes thinking of Y/Bf. Once the song was over I opened my eyes to see Y/Bf clapping and smiling. "That was so good!" He said, I smiled "Thank you." He looked over at Y/Bsf and she got up and left the room. "Erm, Y/N. I know about how you feel about me." I blushed, how could Y/Bsf tell him. "I just wanted to let you know that I feel the same way about you." He said walking towards me. "Really?" He nodded. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said hugging me. "Yes!" I said looking up at him. He was perfect. He looked down at me and kissed me. 

It's been two months since that day. Y/Bf was holding my hand talking to me about a video game he bought. We got to my house and he knocked on the door. "Y/Bf! Y/n! How are you both?" My dad said opening the door. "We're good." I said going to find my mum leaving Y/Bf to talk to my dad. My parents had met him a couple of times and he was pretty comfortable with them. My parents loved him and really supported our relationship. "He's the best boyfriend you've had!" My mum said to me as I talked to her about him. "I'm going to the bathroom." I said to my mum. 

Y/Bf's POV:

Y/N's mum walked into the room and sat down next to me. "I need to talk to you both." I said standing up and standing in front of them. I nervously cleared my throat. Even though Y/N always told me that her parents loved me I felt so nervous speaking to them. "I love your daughter more than anything in this world. She's the love of my life and I don't see my life without her. I would protect her at all costs and would do anything for her. I was wondering if it's okay for me to take Y/N to the school dance this Friday?" I stood nervously as they both looked at one another. "Of course!" Her mum said smiling. His dad nodded too and they both stood up and hugged me. 

Back to Y/n's POV:

I walked in the room to see my parents hugging Y/Bf. "What's going on?" I laughed. My parents turned to me and then looked at Y/Bf. They then left the room. Y/Bf looked nervous. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Y/n will you come with me to the dance on Friday?" He asked me. "Of course!" I said kissing his cheek. He picked me up and swung me around making me giggle. My parents walked back in the room and we all sat down and talked. 


Send me requests or ideas if you have any  :))

I hope you liked that one loll

Thanks for the request 


I kinda wanna dye my hair dark blue but idk if I should lmao 

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