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"Y/n. This is your last chance to get up before you miss the bus again for the 2nd time this week!" My mum shouted up the stairs. I sighed, stretching a little and checking my phone for the time. I have 20 minutes to get ready. I pretty much jumped out of bed and walked quickly to the bathroom, thankful that I had planned my outfit the day before. There was no way I'd have time to shower, so I washed my face in the sink and put on deodorant. "I have gym class today anyway." I shrugged, finishing putting on my mascara and lip balm. I quickly went into my room, shoved my gym clothes into my bag and quickly got dressed in a jumper and some black ripped jeans. I went downstairs and my mum handed me my lunch. "I'll be there to get you at the end of the day." She said hugging me. I put my lunch in my bag and opened the door to leave. "okay, love you." I said walking outside. "love you." My mum shouted just as the school bus pulled up outside. I walked to the bus finding Y/bf who had saved a seat next to him. "Y/n!" He said waving at me. I waved back sitting next to him and pulling out my phone. "Made it on time today?" He said laughing. I rolled my eyes at him jokingly. "How are you anyway." I said turning a little to face him. "I'm great. How are you?" He said, looking me straight in my eyes. I hate when he does that. It gives me butterflies and makes my breath catch in my throat. "I'm, yeah, I'm great too." I said mentally face palming at my stutter. He's cute but I have to stop thinking that. We've been best friends since first grade. There's no way I was gonna ruin our friendship for my stupid feelings. We talked about school and our plans for the weekend for a while until we finally pulled up to the gates. I waited for most people to get out while I double checked my bag. I got off the bus with Y/bf behind me, but my clumsy self managed to trip over one of the steps. Y/bf grabbed my arm to catch me from my fall. "You gotta be careful dumbass." He said helping me get down. "thanks." I muttered, a little flustered, I'd imagined this moment multiple times as much as I hate to admit it. We walked our separate ways to our classes and I went through with my morning. I got a text from Y/bf just before morning break. 'meet me outside the lunch room' I replied quickly and packed away my stuff just as the bell rang. I walked down to where I had to meet Y/bf I saw him walking with one of his friends. They glanced over at me but then continued talking his friend was laughing at something and y/bf just rolled his eyes at him, blushing a little. I smiled as he looked over at me again. "I'll leave you both to it." His friend winked walking past me. "what was that about?" I asked laughing a little.  "Don't worry about it." He muttered. We went to get some food and sat down at one of the tables, we both had a free period next and I'd promised to help him with his science project. "did you manage to ask your teacher about the rest of the project?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I know you said you'd help me, but I have something else to do." He said standing up. "Oh?" I said putting my book in my bag. "Come with me." He said taking my hand. I blushed a little. "the back gate isn't working." He said leading me to the back of the school field. He looked around before opening the gate and climbing over the cement block they had put in front to stop people leaving. He helped me over and we quickly ran until we were out of sight. "let's go to the skate park." He said still holding my hand and leading me. I followed behind him, still confused as to what exactly was happening. The skate park was pretty much empty because everyone was out at school. He let go of my hand and looked at me. He smiled, "I just wanted to hang out. Away from school because we both know you wanted to get out of there." I sighed, he didn't know he was playing with me right now. I really liked him but I couldn't tell if he felt the same. "yeah." I said, sitting down on the edge of one of the walls. He sat next to me putting his backpack on the floor. We didn't say anything for a while, but the silence wasn't awkward,it was nice having his company. I tried to gather my thoughts. "Hey Y/n?" He said looking at me and taking my hand. "yeah?" We were holding eye contact and it made me want to kiss him so bad. "I'm sorry, I don't wanna ruin what we have but it's just, I've been meaning to tell you-" I didn't need to hear anymore. Something took over me and I leaned in kissing him and cutting him off. I pulled away. "oh." He said. He was looking down at his feet and he jumped off the wall. "I've really fucked this up." I whispered. I didn't know what to do, I felt tears filling my eyes. "I-I'm sorry." I said bursting into tears. The wall wasn't too high and Y/bf managed to hold onto my hands. "No, don't cry. I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell you I loved you but you caught me off guard and I didn't know how to react. But I love you Y/n I really do!" He said holding my hands and looking up at me. I jumped off the wall and Y/bf pulled me into his chest. "I love you." I whispered as he wiped my tears and replaced them with kisses.
I have something important to tell yall. I know most of you don't follow me so don't see the announcements I make.

I feel like I don't have the time or motivation to be writing these imagines anymore. I love writing them and I love the support y'all give them but I hope you all understand that I have stuff to be doing and writing these imagines just doesn't fit in with all the things I'm balancing. I might come back and write every once in a while because I love writing and most of all ily all for the support you give. Thank you for reading these imagines. I hope you all can understand.

I do have one more request but o don't think I'll get to writing it soon so to the person who has requested I'm really sorry that I won't get round to it. If I do come back your imagine will be the first I write.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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