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I sighed as I scrunched up another piece of paper. This was probably my tenth time trying to start my essay. I don't know how they expected me to get this all done in 3 days. I'd been so stressed for the last couple of days, I'd barely had time to focus on myself. My phone rang again and my screen lit up with Y/bfs face. I decided to take a break and talk to him since that always seemed to make everything better. "Hey princess. I know you've been busy but I really miss you and I'm coming over to see you because I know you've probably been stressing." He said. I didn't say anything, I was trying my best not to cry, he knew me so well. "You don't need to say anything I'll be there in a few minutes." I managed to get out an "okay." Before hanging up and attempting to start my essay again. "I can't do this!" I sighed and I burst into tears for the 2nd time in the past two days. I collapsed onto my bed and hid my face in my pillow. I hadn't slept in a few days but my bed was still a mess. "Babygirl!" Y/bf burst into my room but I didn't look up at him. He sat next to me on the bed. "What's wrong baby?" He rubbed my back softly. I wiped my tears and sat up. I tried not to burst into tears again. He lifted me onto his lap and I rested my head on his shoulder. "You got this baby. You're a smart girl and I know you'll be able to get this done." He whispered in my ear running his fingers through my hair. He kissed the top of my head and I cried into his shoulder. "I love you." He whispered holding me tighter. I eventually calmed down and managed to squeak out "I love you so much Y/bf thank you for everything." I looked up at him and he stroked my cheek. "You're amazing." He said before leaning down to kiss me. We ended up cuddling with my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He ran his fingers through my hair and I slowly fell asleep, forgetting all the stress of schoolwork for a while.

When I finally woke up Y/bf was still there watching a movie with me still in his arms. "How'd you sleep princess." He said kissing the top of my head. "Pretty well." I yawned. "How about we go get donuts and Starbucks before you get back to your work?" My eyes lit up and Y/bf laughed "I knew that'd make you happy." He gave me his hoodie and carried me to his car.

Thanks jamlessARMY27 and Anxiety_Teen13 for the ideas I kinda put them both into one because they fit together but I think I might write another one like this one :)))

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