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"you ready baby?" Y/ bf said coming into my room. "Oh hey!" I said putting lipgloss onto my lips. Y/bf came up behind me and hugged me. I looked at him from the mirror. "when did you get here?" I asked as Y/bf snaked his arms around my waist.  "Your mum let me in and I was talking to her for like 5 minutes." He kissed my neck. "You look gorgeous." He whispered under his breath. "Thanks." I smiled. "I'll wait in the car." Y/bf kissed my cheek and left the room. We always had a picnic together every week, it had sort of become a tradition for us in our 2 years of being together. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to get the food I brought out the kitchen. "Are you telling him today?" My mum asked as I took a pack of cookies out the cupboard. She could probably tell I was nervous because she hugged me instead of waiting for an answer. "It'll be okay I know it will. I can tell he loves you and this won't change that." I hugged her back tightly before breaking away from the hug. "Thanks mum." I sighed before leaving and walking to Y/bfs car. I bounced my leg trying to imagine Y/bfs reaction. "Hey guess what!" Y/bf said taking my hand and intertwining our fingers. I didn't answer but Y/bf carried on anyway. "I went to the store to get some (your favourite fruit)" I smiled looking over at him. "Really! Thanks!" He laughed at how excited I got. "Here's this week's spot." Y/bf said getting out of the car. Ahead of us was a hill covered in colourful flowers. I sighed "I hope mums right." I whispered before leaving the car. "Its beautiful." I Said running up to Y/bf and taking his hand. "Yeah but not as beautiful as you." He said making me laugh. I kissed his cheek and ran up in front of him. "Hurry up I want some (your favourite fruit)" Y/bf ran behind me and we soon reached the top of the hill. The view was amazing we could see the whole of the city and far beyond it. Y/bf came up behind me, pretty out of breath. He snaked his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. "You like it?" Y/bf asked setting down the bag full of food. I nodded helping him set up the blanket. We sat down setting up the food and Y/bf threw me a bag of (your favourite fruit). "I love you!" I said filling my mouth with it. "I love you too princess." He laughed grabbing a cookie. I watched Y/bf as he looked over the hill. I sighed it was now or never. I slowly worked up the courage to tell him. "Its gonna be okay." I said holding back my tears. "Y/bf." I said taking a deep breath. "Yes babygirl, everything okay?" He said moving closer to me. "I need to tell you something, it's really important. I really love you and it would hurt me if you leave me but I understand if you want to after this.-" Y/bf cut me off "Woah princess. Calm down. Look I'm never leaving you. I love you so much and I promise nothing can take me away from you. You are my everything. Now tell me what's up baby I promise it's all gonna be fine." I bit my lip to hold back my tears and Y/bf pulled me into a hug. I pulled back a little and looked in his eyes. I love him. He's the one and theres no one I'd rather be going into this with. "I-I'm pregnant." I stuttered hiding my face in his chest. He pulled away and stood up, I couldn't really tell how he was feeling. "What?" He said. "I'm sorry." I said looking away from him. "Y/N are you bring serious?" He sat back next to me and put his fingers under my chin making me face him. I nodded and he kissed me. He stood up and started dancing. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He picked me up and spun me around. "I love you!" He kissed me and held me really tight. "Oh and princess I need to ask you something. We've been together for a while now and I know you've been talking about this for a while and I feel the time is right for you to move in with me. So what do you think?" I wrapped my legs around his torso. "Yes!" I said leaning down and kissing him. He placed me down and knelt down to kiss my stomach. "Our own little family."
I just cried because I miss my boyfriend 🥴😔 

Anyways I hope y'all had a good Christmassss

What are your new year's resolutions??

Ps thanks for all the votes and reads it honestly warms my heart when I see them all 🥺

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