Karma's Back, Baby

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"Everyone, this is Akabane Karma. "Your hand made an introductory gesture to the redhead. "A friend of mine during on one of my assassination missions."

After the club, you were all seated around the table. You were beside the violent male on the couch, who had his arm around your waist. The rest were on the other couch, Mori the only one standing up. After your introductions, Karma let a playful grin make its way to his face. "Eh, so this is the Host Club that you texted me about? It's different than I imagined."

Kyoya narrowed his eyes at the redhead. "Different how?" Karma shrugged, nonchalantly " I was thinking of a nightclub with guys entertaining others more. . . " The male brought a finger to his chin, tapping it in deep thought. "What's the word? Vulgar?"

" Debauch?" you deadpanned

He snaps his fingers. "Yes! That's the word."

"What kind of man do you think you are?" Tamaki screeched, pointing an accusing finger while he hides behind the curtain. "Thinking we're men that hold a club for lecherous intentions! We are much more refined than those!"

"Then what's with forbidden brotherly love acts, huh?" Haruhi stated flatly

"That's for another reason!"

You rolled your eyes when a head placed itself on your shoulder. "So Okami-chan, "Mercury colored eyes stared at your e/c orbs. "I heard that you have a gym in your new house. Do you mind if I come over and spar with you?"

You nodded. "Sure." Karma grinned mischievously, making you suspicious as he glanced at the others from the other side. "Okay, then I guess I'll see you soon." He then, sneakily, pecked your lips before standing up and headed to the door. " It was nice meeting you!" He innocently waved before leaving the room.

It was quiet for a few moments before chaos ensued.




Haruhi, the only sane one blinked. "Are you-'' "No"

No, you two were not dating.

And for the past days, whenever one of the members (excluding Ootori and Mori) tried to get you to hang out with them, Karma would appear and whisk you away to do other stuff.

So you didn't get to hang out with them as much. That made the twins frustrated with Tamaki sobbing in the corner. It also made you a bit curious since Karma wasn't this clingy around you. But whenever you ask about it, he would brush it off saying 'I haven't hung out with you for a while.' or a similar excuse.

It's been three weeks since Karma came, and it probably took a toll on the members.

"Give our waiter back!"

"Don't wanna."

You sigh, exasperated as the twins and Mitsukuni bicker against Karma, who has a mischievous smile on his attractive features. "Karma-Kun, as much as I love spending time with you. I have to make time for my other friends too." The red-head turned his attention to you. "Aww." he pouted. You petted his head. "I'll still talk to you through the phone, besides, when are you going back home?" "Hmm," He hummed. "The day after tomorrow, I guess."

You nodded, turning your attention to the three waiting figures. "We'll go eat out, my treat for keeping you guys waiting."


Karma tugged on your sleeve. "I need to talk to you for a bit." You let him guide you to an empty corridor. "I didn't just come here to visit you, to be honest." He started, crossing his arms as he watches your expression. You quirked your brow. "Tell." " Irina-sensei told me that a former assassin is going to this school, apparently he's bringing some of his friends as well." You bit the inside of your cheek. "What's the goal? Money from these students?" Your friend shook his head. "He's coming for you."

Your hand immediately went to grasp your bicep, fingers digging in. "Don't tell me it's who I think it is." Karma gave you an apologetic glance. " It is." Your heart lurched as your insides churned, skin suddenly feeling grotesque ghost touches that make you want to apply bleach on it. The touches were disgusting, gross, perverted, and other things you can't name. Those ghostly touches . . .

You bit our lip, eyes downcast. "If it is. . . I'll have to tell Siri." A hand placed itself on your shoulder. "I'm sorry, Okami-Kun." Karma's voice was filled with concern and sympathy. "It's fine, I'm a big boy. I can handle it myself." You lifted your eyes to meet his.

"It's what I was trained to do.

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