28.Summer Vacation Part 1

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"Thank you." You gave the amount of cash to the vendor before grabbing the plastic bags. Siri had to go on a business trip and the servants were on vacation, so she asked Ranka if you could join Haruhi in her stay in Karuizawa with a friend of his. Misuzu-san is very eccentric and energetic, like a certain otaku back at school. But he, like other males who love fashion, made you a baggy hoodie  for you to go with your shorts. He thought it looked charming on you, so you decided to wear it before going out.

It was kinda warm today, so you were thankful for the thinness of the clothing. The hoodie was also big enough to hide the shorts you wore, giving people the impression that you wore nothing underneath. Holding the bag of groceries, you walked back to the pension were you and Haruhi would be staying.

It was a peaceful walk, the sun was too bright for your liking but the clouds covered enough of it. The sky was clear and blue, giving you a sense of peace and assurance. You greeted some of the passing adults and children on your way back. The cool wind gives you the cool air you need to not sweat, which you despise very much.

Arriving at the pension, you turned the knob and opened the door. "Misuzu-san, I'm back with the stuff you asked for." When you fully opened the door, you didn't expect 6 familiar people to be inside, Misuzu-san looked like he stopped squirming in delight when you came here. Making Haruhi lose her energy. You blinked in surprise before looking at the drained brunette. "Haruhi . . "

"Don't ask." was all she said.

You quirked an eyebrow before going up to them. Mitsukuni bounced up to you, Usa-chan in his hold. "Y/N-chan! You're here too!?" He exclaimed. You hummed in response, placing the bags of groceries down, clapping your hands off dust or dirt before fully turning to him. Mitsukuni tilts his head. "Why?" You didn't even have to respond when the shadow king did it for you.

"Siri went on a business trip out of the country and their staff of servants are on vacation. She didn't want Y/N to be alone, so she asked Ranka-san if he could join Haruhi in his Misuzu-san's care in his pension." Kyoya explained, pushing up his glasses.

"And why do you know that?!" Tamaki growled.

Misuzu-san giggled. "Oh, don't say "taking care". This place isn't affluent enough to employ staff yet, so Haruhi-chan and Y/N-chan coming here has really helped me a lot." He then went to both of your backs and held you by your arms, shaking you two a bit. "They're both really good workers. I feel kinda bad for them since their salaries are low. Ah, " He then turned both of you around for the Host Club to see your front. " Aren't these clothes con them cute!" He then made an introducing gesture. "I made them myself!"

"Oh that, you did a good job, Misuzu-icchi!" Tamaki said while he and most of the members did a thumbs up. The excluded member was Kyoya.

"A part-time job?"

"So that's why you two refused a trip to Bali with us."

"We asked you two to come to Switzerland with us, too."


"Well I don't have a passport." Haruhi reminded them.

"And Siri is protective around me. A bit too protective, to be honest." You said, propping an elbow on the table and placing your head on your palm.

"Which is why I put forth the idea of using one of my resorts for a cheap price." Kyoya stated, in a separate table. You took out your Magnus Chase book 2 and started to read from where you left off. You half listened to the conversation, hearing the blonde fool get upset about private invitations, to the twins teasing him about buddy cellphones, and etc.

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