10.The Haircut

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" Who's the next person you're going make pee in their pants ? " you asked

" Oh, that will depend on this school year." Kyoya smirked, pushing his glasses up " Although, it will be interesting when you enroll."

" Yeah, (Y/N) is coming to Ouran ! " the twins spoke.

" Can (Y/N) chan bring some of his treats to the club ? Takashi also wants to see you. " Honey cheerfully asked.

A grunt of agreement from Takashi.

You smiled at the people on your phone. You were currently having a video chat with your rich friends, all whom to be part in a host club at their school. You've never been to a host club, nor heard of it, so you don't know what to expect.

" I will see. Although Siri is constantly making bringing me to business meetings that I'm not included. "

" That sucks. " Kaoru said.

" Tell me about, it's like I'm going to grow up to fast before I enroll in high school. " You sigh through your nose " Atleast, it will give me peace and quiet. Or am I going to be wrong ? "

The others either chuckled , or in Honey's case , laugh while Takashi just smiled.

" Hey, why not let (Y/N) join the club ? " Hikaru asked.

" Yeah, it will be fun with a mother figure here. " Kaoru stated, scratching the back of his head.

" Yeah ! So (Y/N) chan will spend more time with us ! " Honey exclaimed. " Also, more cake ! "

" Boss trying to have us call him ' Daddy ' is disturbing, but (Y/N) being a mom is understandable. " Hikaru carelessly said.

" Hikaru ! " Kaoru scold

" That's quite offensive to others. " Kyoya noted.

You just d " It's okay, some of my old classmates would call me 'Mom' or Big Brother or Sister. " you stated. " Besides, I'm kinda guilty of liking some girlish things. "

You remembered taking an interest at a meant for girls, it was from the american movie ' Feel the Beat ' and you can't help but take a liking to the clothing. You also have a , you wore it mostly cause locks of hair would get into your face. It was a present from your sister, Siri.

" See, we can call he can be the mom in the club. " Hikaru snickered.

" I already called (Y/N) chan Mom for a while now ! Right Takashi ? "

A grunt from the silent giant.

You gave them a closed eye smile. " Go ahead, I don't mind " before opening them again " But I might be called Mom for real in the future. '

" (Y/N), a certain brunette is here ! " Siri called from outside.

You sigh. " Sorry guys. I have to go. "

After saying bye to your friends, you exit the call and went outside of your room. When you went to the entrance you saw Haruhi with a situation on her long hair. A sticky situation, to be exact.

" How the heck did you get gum on your hair ? "

Haruhi just sigh before sitting on one of the cushioned couches in the main entrance. " A kid put it there. "

" What kind of kid put gum on peoples hair ? "

" I don't know. "

You huffed. " I'll get the scissors. "

You went to your room to get the shears, once you found them, you went back to Haruhi. Who's currently touching the sticky substance. You handed the shears to your oblivious friend. " Here. "

Haruhi took them. " Thanks. "

You turned to walk. " I'll get the rest of the - "


You stopped your pace and turned to Haruhi, who has cut a huge portion of her hair. You smacked your forehead in disbelief.

" Haruhi, Your supposed to wait. "

Haruhi blandly looked up, strands of cut hair falling onto the couch. " Oh, sorry. "

You sigh. " Well, too late now. "

And That's how Haruhi's hair was cut.

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