22. Host club visit

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"Thanks for helping me with the groceries." Haruhi thanked.

You smiled as you gave her the second plastic bag. "No prob." You reached into the pocket of your hoodie and took out a bundle of money. "Here, Siri's 1000 payment for you." Haruhi's eyes widened at the amount. "I can't take this!"

"Sure you can."

Haruhi kept on declining, but you just shoved it in her pocket and demanded her to take it. Haruhi just sighs in defeat before fixing her hold on the bags. "Thanks. "Then she leaves. You smiled fondly at the brunette, she's basically the little sister you never had. It would be nice if she called you kuya.


You swiveled your head to see one of the cashiers running towards the sliding doors before stopping beside you. She hands you an amount of cash. "The young lady forgot her change. "she panted. You shoved the cash in your pocket and thanked her before riding on your skateboard to Haruhi's building.

You fixed the sleeves of your hoodie, feeling the baggy sleeves flutter in the wind. It wasn't long before you saw the brunette, leaning on the light pole. "Haruhi!" you called, doing a Chinese Nollie before doing the Nollie shove it then skateboarding on the nearby rail. You stopped in front of the, for some reason, gloomy girl, then taking out the forgotten change. "The cashier said you forgot your change."

Haruhi takes it in surprise. "Ah, I forgot that I gave too much. "

You bonked her on the head, adding teasingly. "How are you going to take care of yourself if you're going to be that oblivious."

"Hey! I could take care of myself!" Haruhi huffed, her cheeks puffing out cutely.

You rolled our eyes before taking notice of the black limo. "Host Club?"

Haruhi nods, glumly.

You hummed as the members converse about the cross-dresser's home, and have yet taken notice of you two. You could hear some of their conversation, though it was kinda silly. You sigh in disbelief and amusement, the club is very funny and interesting, though, they are always up to something.

And then, the drama king started commanding his soldiers what to do and not to do in Haruhi's home. You crossed your arms in boredom when you felt a ticking and twitching of the brunette, obviously annoyed and irate.

"Just go home right now!" she yelled, annoyed.

You just waved at the members using your dominant arm, the other still crossed. The wind blew by, making your exposed shoulders shiver slightly. The three fools and Mitsukuni then complimented on her one piece clothing. That plainness is good. Your lips quirked as Haruhi retorted. "Shut up! Get lost!"

While Tamaki wails at the brunette's foul language, you were tackled by the shota boy himself. "Y/N-chan!" He cries, flying tackles you to hug. You caught him, hugging back. "Nice to see you too, Mitsukuni."

The dirty blonde smiles at you. "Your hoodie is cute on you."

You smiled at his cuteness. "Excuse me, Haruhi ,Y/N. Is everything okay?" You looked back to see the landlady, worry laced on her features. "Ms. Landlady." Haruhi trailed off. "Riding those foreign cars . . . are these people yakuza or something?" Haruhi tried to deny but before you could explain, the foolish king butts in and charms the woman.

Bored, you walked up to the two calm ones, Kyoya and Takashi. "What are you guys doing here?" You query. "Tamaki had a nightmare about Haruhi's home, so he called us for a visit." Kyoya explained, the giant grunt in agreement. "Isn't Haru-chan's home nice?" Mitsukuni happily asked.

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