20.Beach catastrophe Part 2

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While Haruhi left to do her own thing, you went with the three girls. You found yourself standing on a cliff, looking at the beautiful scene before you. The wind blew by, ruffling the jacket you wore.

"Isn't it beautiful, Onii-chan?" One of the girls asks.

You nodded in agreement. "It is. . ."

Suddenly, you heard voices of men. "Oho, there are girls up here!"

You four all whipped to look behind, to see two guys sluggishly walking towards you. "Lucky! Hey girls, let's play together." one of them said.

The girls were shuffling behind you, thus, you had to protect them "I'm sorry, but you're not allowed here." you tried to reason. But the same guy grabs your wrist, bringing his face closer to yours. "Who cares? It must be dull having no one but girls around, huh?"

You furrowed your brows as you smell the scent of alcohol from him. Yup, they're drunk.

"Leave Onii-chan alone. This is a private beach." one of the girls tried to defend you. Then you hear them scream, you whip to see the other man embracing them.

"What's that? Does that mean 'sweethearts'?"

You frowned, ripping your wrist out of the man's grasp and walked to the other. "Leave them alone." However, you felt an arm slinked it's way around your waist, effectively pulling you towards the man from before. "Come on now, we'll be nice."

This was testing your patience. You ripped yourself free, but before you could do anything, he cried in pain. You looked behind him to see Haruhi, the bucket previously filled with shellfish now empty. The contents now on the man.

"Would you go away now?" Haruhi angrily said. "They don't want you. They say you're bothering them."

While he's occupied, you stomped on the other man's foot, making him cry in pain. "Go!" you ordered the girls, which they obeyed. When you turned back, you saw the man throwing Haruhi into the sea. Tamaki followed, surprising the man.

Angry, you lifted him by the back of his shirt and threw him over, you then lifted his head by the hair and did the triangle choke on him. His friend tried to help him, but you gave him a cold glare before kicking him in the jewels and stomping on his stomach. While holding the other guy. You've never been this angry before, but someone hurting your friends was enough to make you rage. Anger was lava in your veins, you were the storm wanting to wipe out everyone of those people who dared hurt the ones you cared about.

Your beating continued until they were bloodied and unrecognizable. Once you were satisfied, you ran towards the edge and peered over. Tamaki was giving Haruhi a scolding, the other hosts around them. You sigh in relief, and turn to join them. But just as you turned, you felt hands push you, your vision only getting locks of red hair, before you were pummeling to the sea.

You didn't even have time to make a sound when you were engulfed in water, your mind was too busy in adrenaline and shock to even think properly. Water entered your nose, you were losing air. Just before you lost consciousness, you saw a figure swimming towards you.

Then it was black.

When you woke up, you found yourself surrounded by your friends, all of them worried. Mitsukuni was the first to speak, jumping onto your torso, crying into your shoulder.


Blinking, you slowly sit up and rubbed soothing circles on his back. You looked at the rest of the hosts, confused. "What happened?".

You placed a plate of cooked crab on the table, fixing the place mats and utensils. You changed from your wet clothes to a sleeveless hoodie and shorts. Though, you couldn't deny what you were told. How could you protect your friends when you couldn't protect yourself? I mean, it's not like you were raped, you were okay at dealing with them, but for Haruhi to come over?

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