2. New School

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Ever since you met Haruhi , you two were inseparable , doing things together whether it's reading or buying groceries or playing from your PS4. Siri approved Haruhi immediately , the same goes to Ranka with you. The two adults met and came to a mutual understanding an respect. Though there was an misunderstanding with Ranka mistaking you as a tomboyish girl , which Siri corrected you being a boy. The okama apologized profusely , saying " Your brother is feminine enough to be an angel. " Or something along the lines. Either way , things are good as you will be enrolling in the same junior high school as Haruhi for your second and third year. Nervous was in your system but now that you have someone you know attending there , your sure you could get through it.

Entering the school in your uniform and face mask , you walked alongside Haruhi to the principal's office. " You nervous ? " Haruhi asked , concern written on her face. You shook off the anxiety and gave a firm nod. You stopped in front of the office , the sign saying 'Principal ' making it obvious. You turned to Haruhi. " You should probably go to your class. " You stated to which Haruhi hesitantly nod. When she left , you knocked on the door , when there was a reply you pushed the door. The principal sitting in his desk. " Good morning , I assume you must be (Y/N) (L/N)." You nodded , still unsure what to do. " Take a seat. " the man said , referring to the chair. You obeyed the man , while playing with the hem of your polo.

The Principal soon broke it down. Explaining the rules , commenting on your birth country , and your wealthy status. Soon he gave you the schedule of your classes , you thanked him and went on your way. As the day passed , you realized at least three of your classes were with Haruhi , much to your relief. The classes with no Haruhi were twitchy , but the students immediately were charmed by your kind and silent demeanor. The teachers were impressed with your knowledge and intelligent answer , but still took your quiet being cute. A usual , the people thought you were a girl , which you have to correct them. You ate with Haruhi during breaks and studied with her.

Your first day was a success.

You soon found yourself comfortable with the students and the school itself. The girls would ask you for help in their problems , whether it be related to school , emotions , or social life. The boys love to compete with you when it comes to sports , and also ask for help in their studies. You practically became a big sister or brother for them. Soon you started to get letters. It first started one day in school , you arrived at your class to find a heart shaped letter on your desk. Curious , you opened it and was surprise to found writing full of emotion.

Now the thing was , your gay. Your attracted to me , you just saw females as sisters. The people you knew was aware of this when you first told them. Haruhi was the first to know. Having an attractive appearance was one thing , but an hourglass figure was either a tool or a curse. Perverts on the streets would flirt with you , and when you said you were male , they didn't care. Which results you to beating them up when they go to far.

" Wonder who wrote this ? " you murmured.

And that was the start of your admirers. You would find letters on your desk , in your locker , even in your bag. Then after school , a boy from your class would ask you to meet them at the back of the school. Then they would confess their feelings to you. To which you have to let them down each time. But you would give them a kiss on the cheek to make them feel better , but it resulted in them having a meltdown of emotions. This continued for the first three months of your school year.

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