32. Karma's Back, Baby

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You didn't feel like facing the two dark haired males from the club, it's hard to forgive them or trust them after the incident. Yuri moved to a public school, much to her horror and to your pleasure. The students whisper and gossiped about the incident in the club, which you ignore always. It's been a week or two since you've last interacted with them alone.


"I'm not going to the assembly."

You were tired and just wanted to be alone with your thoughts. Haruhi understands your mood, leaving with Hikaru and the rest. "Then, can I keep you company?" Kaoru asked, eyes waiting for a reply. You just agreed since you knew Kaoru wouldn't bother you that much, he was the mature one out of the two.

He took a seat beside you, scooting his chair closer to yours. "So, when are you going to face Kyoya-senpai and Mori-senpai?" You shook your head a bit, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear. "I won't talk to them until they apologize. They broke my trust, our friendship, I can't accept that." Kaoru regarded you with worried eyes. "Are you okay though?"

You lowered your head, eyes becoming forlorn. "I'm still hurt, it's still there in my chest. It's kinda dark, to be honest. I value my friendships, but I crack when they're broken. I guess, I'm afraid of being alone." You felt cold, despite your jacket, you felt numbing pain as the scene went on repeat like a broken tape recorder.

But that all washed away when arms wrapped around your form, pulling you to another source of heat. "It's okay, I'll be here for you." Kaoru's breath tickles your ears, his arms are warm. You snuggled into his arms, nuzzling into his neck, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Thank you." "Anytime."

You looked to meet his face, amber orbs looking into your own. Your eyes softened at the color texture, they could've been gold by mistake. You cupped his cheek before pecking him at the lips, effectively surprising him.

"I mean it."

You were placing your books in your locker, ready to finish for today when a voice makes you froze in your tracks. "L/N." You whipped your head, heart dropping to the pit of your stomach. The Ootori.

You hurriedly closed your locker and zoomed past him, not looking back if he's trying to catch up. You ran to the front of the school where you saw your motorcycle, much to your relief and assurance. But that all dropped when a familiar tall male with dark skin blocked it. Morinozuka.

Using your momentum, you used the nearby pillar as leverage before jumping over the giant. "L/N!" His eyes widened as you flipped over him. You landed before hopping on your transportation, starting the motor, then zoomed out of the academy.

You were doing your usual rounds, tea pouring, dessert serving, drink serving, and repeat. It was a pattern to be honest, something you've learned during the fourth week of your first time here.

Though, you never missed the sympathetic glances that were thrown to you by the guests, before they look at Morinozuka or Ootori. Figures, they're sympathetic for the three of you, since you denounce them as your friends.

"So, Y/N." Kaoru came over, throwing an arm around your shoulder. "How are you doing?" You met his eyes before sighing. "I'm fine, Kaoru." The softer twin smiled. "That's good to hear," He then gave a mischievous smile." Our family is going to Spain on the next vacation, and mother wants to know if you want to come." You tilted your head before smiling softly. "Sure."

You were packing up for today, placing your things in your bag. "Y/N-chan." You turned to meet Mitsukuni's brown doe eyes, worry and sympathy present on them. You fully turned to the boy, hauling your bag over your shoulder. "What is it, Mitsukuni-senpai?"

The boy's eyes looked sadder as he spoke. "Takashi is sad that you're not talking to him." You looked over at the giant, a depressed aura hanging over him. You looked back at the smaller cousin. "I want to forgive him, but he hasn't apologized yet. And I don't feel like forgiving him yet."

Mitsukuni lowered his eyes. "Oh," He looked up at you before walking to you, gripping on your uniform. "But Takashi says that he's really sorry, he even murmurs your name in his sleep." You don't know if that was supposed to help or embarrass him, but nonetheless, you patted the boy's head in apology. "When my grudge is over."


You looked at Tamaki, who's features were laced with worry. You fully turned to the blonde president. "Yes, Tamaki-senpai?" The president was hesitant before speaking. "I think you should talk to Kyoya, you know, make up with him." You clenched your jaw. "I don't feel like it right now, Tamaki senpai."

The blonde furrowed his eyes in worry. "Y/N, I know you're hurt from last time. But I know Kyoya is resentful of his past actions, at least try to talk to him." You shook your head in denial. "Half of my brain says that I should forgive him, but the other says no. And my heart agrees with the latter. I can't forgive him that easily, it still hurts."

"You're hurting each other by doing that. Kyoya's grades have been slipping ever since you denounced him as your friend. So please Y/N, talk to him." Tamaki was desperate at this point.

You softened your eyes, apologetic. "I'm sorry, but I'll forgive him when my grudge is over."

That's how your days have been since. You were colder to them, formal to be precise. Your brain is trying to reason with your heart, but it's having none of it. Unless they apologize and show that they're really your friends, your bond will be strain till then.

You were refilling the teapot, carefully not to spill anything. It was a normal day in the club-minus the strained bond between you and the two dark haired males. You were doing your rounds as usual when hearing the doors open. You assumed it was another girl, coming for her assigned host.

How wrong you were.

"Welcome sir, to the Host Club."

Your ears perked up at the new change, but before you could turn to see the new customer. You were lifted into the air, glimpsing blood red hair and amber eyes. Your own eyes widened at the possibility.


"Nice to see you too, Okami-kun~"

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