24.No sweets for Honey-senpai

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Drawing was one of the things you loved to do. You loved to catch the beauty of things, at the right angle and at the right setting. Takashi was far easier to draw. He was patient and barely moved when he read his book. Your sketch of Kyoya took a bit longer, considering the latter notice of your activity and made it harder. He would push up his glasses, crane his neck, and fix his hair.

When you added the finishing touches, you erased the unnecessary strokes, and brushed the remnants of the eraser. You pushed the drawing to Takashi, smiling while doing so. You started putting away your pencils when your arm was grabbed and you were dragged out of your seat. Next thing you knew, you were met with the twins and Tamaki, holding a monstrous pink bunny costume.

"No." You knew what they were trying to do.

"But you could definitely pull this off! It'll be effective, considering how adorable you are!" Tamaki shoved the costume into your arms, which you shove back to him. "No." Kaoru pulled you and started shaking you. "But you're the only one who could do this! Haruhi ran away, so you're our only hope!"

"I'm pretty sure you only want to see me in that get-up."

Kaoru stopped his shaking, his face tinted in pink. You got out of the younger twin's grasp. "Now excuse me." You went back to your seat, letting them solve the problem.

You placed Mitsukuni's requested cake in front of him, the latter thanking you. Mitsukuni was the only one with customers, so the rest of the hosts are helping out. Though, Renge is doing some kind of narrative of some sort.

You stood beside him as Haruhi served tea, the brunette warned him of not eating too much sweets while the blonde boy just replied. "Don't worry, I brush my teeth." When he took a bite, he winced in pain before holding his cheek. You leaned over to him. "Mitsukuni, do you have a cavity?"

"It's . . .nothing." He trailed off.

You turned his face towards you. "It's something, open your mouth." But the boy was stubborn, even with the twin's help, he refused. It wasn't until Takashi loomed over him and pushed him into the couch, forcing his mouth open. "A cavity, is it?" Tamaki asks, the giant confirmed. Mitsukuni tried to assure he's okay, but it was inevitable as Tamaki banned the sweets. "Honey-senpai, you're forbidden from eating sweets until your cavity is filled." Then he added. "Additionally, for the time being, everyone in the club, must control the amount of snacks being consumed here."

Mitsukuni was distraught, chasing Takashi as the latter took away his slice of cake only to fall into despair.

The next day, Mitsukuni tried to sneak a large amount of candies in the school only for Takashi to take them away. It was sad to look at, though, you couldn't help but wonder why Takashi was being hard on him.

You walked with Haruhi to the club, helping her with her books, when you noticed from the corner of your eye Takashi and a girl. You stopped as you watched the scene, fixing your hoodie that hung loosely on your shoulders. She's confessing, isn't she? You felt a small sting of pain go through your chest, watching the scene. Why did you feel this? You should be happy for your friend if they found love. Right?

Hauhi noticed the scene too, joining you behind a pillar. "I cannot handle it anymore." The girl confessed. "I really want Mori-kun to accept my feelings' ' You started with interest and a bit of anticipation on his reaction, but it was nothing out of the ordinary. He just put on a poker face, staring at the girl in front of him. "You can't? " The girl repeated. " Is it because, you already have someone important in your heart?" She then looks down in sadness. "There is someone, isn't there?"

This piqued your interest, your heart hammering against your rib cage while hope flutters around it like a dove. What's wrong with you? You should feel sad that the girl got rejected! You shook it off as you and Haruhi continued on your way. Though, you couldn't help but wonder . . .

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