5. Advantage

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You dodged an incoming punch from Mori , before sliding under his spread legs , getting behind him. You jumped at him , flipping in the air , by the time he turned you wrapped your legs around his neck , making him stumble. You made him go in circles , but he manage to regain his rhythm before slamming you down on the ground. Just as he was about to pin your hands , you clapped in front of his face , surprising him. Using this to your advantage , you used your legs to push him on the floor so you were the one at top.

You both heard the buzzer , meaning practice is over. You unwrapped your legs from his shoulders and neck before standing up. You held out a hand to the giant , to which he accepted.

Honey wasn't able to make it to your weekly sparring practice , so Mori came alone this time. You both changed in the changing room before heading towards the kitchen for a drink. You both grabbed water , rest while talking.

" Do you have any pets , Mori ? " you asked him before taking a sip of water.

Mori nodded. " Yeah , a tanuki named Nook and a chick named Piyo. "

Your eyes sparkled . " Do you have a picture of them ? "

Mori looked at you before giving you a small smile. He took out his phone , opened it and went to the pictures. " Here. " You walked over , leaning to see the pictures. One photo was an adorable chick of yellow feathers and small black eyes. Another was a cute tanuki , spread out like a rug.

' So cute , I want to squeeze Nook.' you thought

" You might suffocate him if you do it too hard. "

You looked back at Mori to see an amused smile , pride glinting in his eyes. You flushed , " Did I say That out loud ? " you asked. Mori nodded , making you flush darker. You hid your face behind your hands , embarrassed at yourself.

" Cute. " you heard him say.

You looked up from your hands. What did he say ? Cute ? You must be imagining !

" What was that ? "

" Your cute. " Mori repeated , shameless.

It wasn't your imagination. You weren't hearing things. Mori called you cute. Schnitzel. You hid your face in Mori's clothed torso.

" Mori. " you whined.

You heard him chuckle before feeling a hand patting your head.

" Cute. "

" Thanks for helping me buy the things I need for Honey's present. "

Mori just hummed , carrying plastic bags.

After that embarrassing incident , you two went to get ingredient for Honey's cake. After you learned that Honey's birthday was Ferbuary 29 , a few days from now , you wanted to make something for him. Since he has a sweet tooth , you decided to make a cake. Since he seems to love the pastries you make. Mori had come to help , much to your surprise and joy.

You searched through your brain for any other ingredients. Then you remembered that Honey loved strawberries. Although you had the fruit , you thought having pink icing will make him happier.

" We'll have to stop by one of the baker's store for food coloring. " you said.

"Ah " was his reply.

You two walked the streets before you spotted a nearby baker's shop. It was small , but judging from the large window , it has a lot of supplies that bakers would need. You told Mori to wait for you while you shop , telling him to look at the nearby shops around. You two separated. You looked at the shelves of food coloring before finding the one you wanted. You payed for it and exited the shop , you saw Mori looking at the sports shop next door. You were about to walk towards him , when a hand gripped your wrist.

You let out a shout before it was covered by an oily hand , the other pulling you into an alley next to the baker's shop. Your back met the cold wall as you were met with a punk , a smirk adorned on his face as his eyes raked your body. " Your a delicious little snack , aren't you ? " he seductively said. You frowned as you pushed him away. " Leave me alone. "

Apparently he wasn't having any of it. He pinned both of your hands in hand above your head , while the other went under your hoodie. You tried to release your hands , but his strength was greater than yours. Your eyes burned as he lowered his head to your neck , his hot breath sending goosebumps. It was like him again. Those hands touched you the same way he did.

But before he could do more to you , he was pulled back by someone. You wrapped your arms around you as you watched Mori hold the guy by the collar of his shirt. " Let go of me , you fuck ! " the rapist yelled. You looked at Mori and saw his eyes were filled with anger. He let the punk go , the latter scurrying away.

Your breathes became heavier as your brain pumped the awful memories of him and his filthy touches. You shook , tears streamed from your eyes. " I couldn't defend myself. " You were disgusted with yourself. You knew martial arts and the art of assassination , yet you couldn't defend yourself from that punk. " I'm so weak. " His filthy touches. The way he touched you. Your body.

Suddenly you felt arms wrap around your broken form , your body feeling a sturdy , strong chest. " (Y/N) " Mori's voice sent shivers to your whole being. You buried your face into his torso. " Please don't let them touch me. " you whispered. The silent giant soothing you through head rubs. " I won't " his voice was full of conviction and determination. You looked up to meet his dark grey eyes.

" Thank you , Mori. "

" Call me Takashi. "

" We're back. "

You two arrived at your house , plastic bags in hand. You both placed the bags on the kitchen table when a maid told you two to go to your sister's office. You arched your brow , she rarely invites you to her office only for business purposes. Nonetheless you two went upstairs and found Siri's office , you knocked waiting for a response. " Come in. " her cold monotone spoke , you turned the knob and pushed the door.

When you two stepped inside , you saw Siri sitting in her chair with a man sitting in front of her desk. He was a dark haired male with a stern face , a goatee and a mustache. You were curious about the man , but you soon got your answer.

" Father ?!" Mori acknowledge , calm but a hint of surprised

" Hello Takashi. " the man said , nodding.

" (Y/N) , this is Akira Morinozuka. " Siri addressed. " As you figure , father of Mori and Satoshi. "

You nodded in understanding. You met Satoshi in one of the few supposedly sparring practice , he was more expressive than he 's older brother but his admiration for him was to be awed at.

" Is there something you want to talk about ? " you asked , tilting your head.

Mr. Morinozuka gave a small smile. " I could see what Takashi see in you , I can't wait for you to be apart of the family. "

You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion. " Part of the family ? " You turned to Siri for explanation. The woman broke it down. " I sent someone to keep an eye on you , to see if anything were to happen. When I saw the scene where Mori saves you , and further more comforts you , I was greatly grateful.I was in debt for him , so I thought of an arranged marriage as repayment for his act of saving you. I contacted Mr. Morinozuka and explained the matter , and he agreed. "

Mr. Morinozuka smiled , placing his chin in the fingers of his hand. " It will be a pleasure to have you in the family soon , (Y/N) Morinozuka. "

You and Mori were quiet for the first few moments.




" Eh ? "

I know there are those who read Serendipity by Apollo , but I couldn't think of any other animals nor pet names besides these. Very sorry.

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