27. False News

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You sigh as you snuggle in the kimono you're wearing, feeling the chilly breeze blow by. Tamaki thought it was a great idea to have the club outside, which you had to agree with. You loved the outdoors, it gives you a sense of freedom. Though, something still lingered in your mind. . .

"Are you going to accept Itsuki-kun's confession?" Haruhi walked up to you, tilting her head. You shook yours, rubbing the letter between your fingers. "I'll tell him I can't return the feelings, like usual." That got everybody's attention, for some reason

"Y/N-chan got a letter?!" Mitsukuni exclaimed. You nodded. "Actually, it's been going on for a bit." You thought the amount of love letters would decrease or be no more when you came to Ouran, apparently, it didn't. A few boys confessed to you in the garden, though you had to let them down. The amount of letters doubled or something when you came.

"If you keep doing that, you'll never get a boyfriend." Hikaru teased. You nudged at his ribs, earning painful grumbles. "I'm kinda picky when it comes to boyfriends." Mitsukuni innocently stared at you. "How?"

You put a finger on your chin. "I want someone who's interesting, yet understands me. I want someone loyal and faithful, not looking at other people in ways that I don't like. Which, to be honest, is hard to come by. And, he'll have to treat me right."

Tamaki placed both hands on your shoulder. "Do not worry, when the time comes, you'll find that special someone. My precious son!" You blinked in surprise at the blonde."I thought you put up a 'No Dating' policy for me and Haruhi?"

"Because I don't want you two to be dating already!"

"Boss is just jealous cause he doesn't want Haruhi to be taken and he wouldn't feel bad about being single."

You laughed as Tamaki kicked the ball too hard, it went to a better place. The twins were waving flags and bidding it farewell. Just how little control does Tamaki have when it comes to his strength? How long could you take until you die out of laughter?

Well, that ended when the ball broke through one of the windows, making a crashing sound. And for some reason, you had a feeling it wasn't good.

"We are extremely sorry for this." Tamaki bows to the president of the newspaper club, who now has an icepack on his head. You helped Haruhi clean the shards of glass while the cousins watched. When you threw the last of the shards, you looked at one of the piles of newspapers. "We have a newspaper club?" Haruhi asks. You shrugged as the twins explained that they make up gossip and rumors about forbidden romance and power struggles between two families, and because of that, no one reads them anymore.You picked up one of the newspaper's, and the main headline made you curse under your breath. "Y/N L/N, The Male Succubus Comes To Ouran For More Prey?" You read aloud the titles."Brother of Business Destroyer Comes To Eliminate His Targets!" You deadpanned at the three members of the club. "What are these articles talking about?"To say you're mad was an overstatement. More like irritated, wet irritation that makes you grunt and yell at them.

The other members of the club turned their attention to you. "They really say that?" Haruhi exclaimed in disbelief. The twins rushed to you, grabbed the paper, and scowled at the last members of the newspaper club. "What kind of stories are these?"

"How dare they say that to my precious son!" Tamaki wails, holding you in his arms.

"Y/N-chan is not a succubus!" Mitsukuni protested.

"Do you even know what's a succubus?" Haruhi sweatdropped.

Kyoya glared. "I have to agree, those are quite inappropriate and false titles."

Takashi's face was blank, but he took the newspaper with the titles about you, ripped it into two, and threw it in the trash can. Yeah, he was angry.

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