16. Twin fight and new Baby brother/son

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The next day after the accident, you didn't expect girls to flood in and gush about the movie. You thought Kyoya handled that. You remembered the scene quite well.

You were beside Kyoya, whose back was turned and was writing on his clip board, and watched the girls flood in like a wave. But what you didn't expect was for them to fangirl about the movie. The hosts were confused, and so were you, as they gushed about the rain scene, Tamaki's role as the lonely prince, Hikaru and Kaoru's forbidden love, Mistukuni's fiendish side . . .

" And of course!" one trailed off

" The most romantic part!" another followed

" Mori-senpai's and Onii-chan's relationship!!!"

They all were beet red and bleeding noses. You felt like hiding, and the closest body that wasn't turned was Takashi. So naturally, you hid behind the gentle giant. Takashi looked back at you in amusement, to which you buried your face in his blazer.

Turns out, although he broke the lens, the film was still intact. Though, he cut off the violent scene.

After school, another surprise awaited for you. When you entered your house, you were met with Siri shoving a bundled infant into your arms. She explained that the child was left at the front door, and since she was not good with children, she handed the responsibility to you.

Terrific, just terrific, you have a new. The servants were given the day off, and so you were left with the baby and responsibility. You figured you had to bring the child to school, you'll never know if a burglar might break in. And you didn't want be irresponsible, so you brought him to school.

You learned of it's gender when you were changing it's diapers.

The whole class was surprised when they saw you walking with a child in hand, though, the girls gushed and squealed. You explained the situation with the principal first before walking into class, so when you informed the teacher, she allowed it.

The baby was surprisingly behaved, rarely crying and whining, he just cooed and giggled. Haruhi was gentle when handling the baby, while the twins would make funny faces to make him laugh. During break in the classroom with Haruhi, you fed the little guy with baby food you made at home. The girls would often asked to pet him, you let them.

When club time came, the hosts were surprise to see a baby boy with blue eyes and brown hair in your arms. Tamaki was the first one to fawn over the boy, cooing at the infant while he laughed. Kyoya just warned if anything goes wrong due to the child, you'll have to pay. Mistukuni took joy at the baby, while Takashi just gave a small smile.

When club started, Mistukuni offered to handle the baby while you do your job. You were reluctant cause he was your responsiblity, but Mistukuni was persistent. And also because Takashi took the child and said this one thing that made you comply.

" We'll take care of him."

So, you did your job, serving any refreshments or treats to the guests. Not alot of customers were asking for any, so you just helped Haruhi with the books. As you walked with the brunette, you glanced at the cousins and the baby, they played with the little guy while their customers watch in adoration.

You brush by Hikaru and Kaoru's set, playing the ' Which one is Hikaru' game. Haruhi then had commented on it. " What a worthless game." she said as she walked by. You followed behind.

" What? Is there something you don't like about it?" they both asked

You shook your head." It's just peculiar." Haruhi also stopped walking and turned to them. " And actually, I still don't get why you two are popular." The twins deadpanned. "Oh that's something really nice to say."

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