34. Imma pull out a Nagisa, and I'm not afraid to use it!

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You were late.

That's your first thought as you run to school. You recently got into playing Valorant, a new shooting game with the characters' abilities. But this is the first time you've let it mess up your sleep schedule, thus being the first time your gonna be late. You ran to your school, too into your haste to explain to your sister as you came to the gates in sight. You were about to sprint in when you noticed people guarding the gate - and not just people...

Your eyes widened as thin black pupils clash with your own, the owners' brows angling downwards as a sneer presented itself on his face, making your skin crawl with disgust. "Jiro. " you breathe out. The said man huffed as his chest puffed out. "Little Scorpio, nice to see you again." Beside him was a guy you have never seen before, dark brown skin, platinum hair in a crew cut, and emerald eyes piercing at you. Stony, you noted.

"I see you have a new friend." You saw Jiro's eyes twitch in what seemed like . . .possessiveness. Huh, new boyfriend? "Don't even think about getting him!" He growled. You were right.

You chuckled in amusement, setting your bag down while keeping eye contact with them. "Why are you here?" His smile made your gut turn, a bad feeling. "Boss has your school surrounded, little scorpion."

Your blood froze as your heart hitched. Boss . . . he's here. You clicked your tongue at the statement, not letting any emotions leak on your face. "What does he want?"

"You. As always."

Your fingers dug in your palm as you let out a breath. "And you?"

"Here to bring you to him." That's what triggered the fight. Jiro lunged at you with a knife in hand, you side hop to his right sweeping a kick under his legs. You felt a presence behind you, to which you duck large arms intending to trap you before kicking the boyfriend in the stomach. You didn't pause your attacks as you jumped towards him, hand standing over him as you twirled the both of you around. When he landed on his butt, that was when you got behind him and triangle choke him. Once knocked out, you focused on dealing with the now angry Jiro.

"You AASHOLE!" He roared at you as he bulldozed at you, to which you replied on sidestepping before elbowing his neck. "Now that that's done," you muttered as you went inside before knocking out the rest of the guards.

So far, no students in their classrooms or any teachers in the faculty, which is quite strange. Jumping from roof to roof, you went to the courtyard and that's when you saw it. The students surrounding the outline while in the middle were the members of the Host club with a man with an obese body and balding brown hair. He was talking to the members, making gestures with both his hands; one hand having a gun while the other empty.

When he turned around, you felt sick at the sight. The same small, piggy eyes that followed you around the corridors and rooms, the same ones that would leer at you like you were a juicy steak. You wanted to puke.

You laid low when a few men with guns turned to your hiding spot, you decided to crawl towards another spot so you could hear. When you did, you heard everything.

"-is the slender waist, that plump ass, and those big eyes. . . I bet he would soo delicious crying as I bend him. " You gagged, he was talking about you. "But that disobedient slut rejected me every time! Doesn't he know his place?! I'm his elder. His senior. And he should've respected me!"

"I think I know why he didn't like you at all," Mistukuni muttered, but loud enough for the man to hear as he was grabbed by the collar, his cousin and friends crying out his name. "WHAT DID YOU SAY, YOU MIDGET!?" the man screamed at the 3rd years' face. Mistukuni seemed defiant as he is indignant in his response. "I said what I said. Y/n-chan is better than you, so he deserves someone who treats him right. He's not a slut nor is he a toy."

You decided to step in when Souta seemed like he was gonna beat up your senior. Hopping off from your hiding spot, you glided down behind three of his men, knife in hand. Only one seemed to notice your presence, but it was already too late as you swiftly slashed them down. Their yells seemed to have signal your arrival as you heard the same voice. "Ah, " you turned to see Souta looking at you with the same leer, dropping your senior to the ground. You noticed your friends and the rest of the students' wrists and ankles were bound with ropes, making them unable to escape.

You stared down at your former 'boss' as you walked forward. "Y/N!" Haruhi called out your name, tumbling forwards from her seiza position. "DON'T! HE'S GONNA-"

"I'm aware, Haruhi."

She furrowed her brows in concern. "What do you mean?"

You sigh through your nose. "I know him, I know what he will do." You then placed a smile on your lips.

Souta smiled at you, showing his disgusting teeth. "Ah, I'm so glad you showed up, " He opens his eyes. "Scorpi-" His eyes widen at your smile, making it a smidge wider. He stutters back as you grew nearer, the hand with the knife swinging by your side. You kept eye contact with him. You remembered a move that your teacher taught you, but it has to have three conditions: first, you must have two weapons. Your second weapon is a taser that police would use, you sound it in one of the men's pockets. Second, you must be against an expert. And third, your opponent must know the fear of being killed.

You laughed internally. Souta knows what it feels like, you should know since you were the reason. You broke when he tried to rape you, attacking him before choking him with a triangle choke. You doubt he's forgotten the feeling.

'Good, that's all of them' You confirmed. '

Souta took a step back.

' Souta-san, will you be my lab rat?'

You continued walking towards him, calm and steady like a lake, momentum unriddled and resolve unfazed. Your smile is unwavering as you stride towards him. When you're a good 3 feet away, you let go of the knife, letting it fall to your side. You know his eyes are always trained to the weapon he can see, thus, blinding him from the true danger. You timed it. As his eyes were trained on the knife, you brought your hands and stun-clapped at his face. You could hear your teachers' voices whispering in your ear. 'A real assassin will not let these few moments go to waste, use them.'

Without wasting time, you swiftly brought out your second weapon before tasing him, watching as he falls to his knees. You held his chin with the taser, looking down on him with a neutral expression while his eyes bulge in fear. 'Thank him for his efforts. ' A voice chided. 'Thank him for making you who you are.'

You decided to give him just that.

You closed your eyes before speaking. "Souta-san," you then opened your eyes and gave him a serene smile. "Thank you."

You tasered him one last time.


You whirled around to meet Mori-senpai and Ootori-senpai. You arched your brow as you fully faced them. "What is it, senpai?" You ignored they flinched at your formal way of greeting them, but listened as the taller one spoke. "We would like to apologize for our. . .behavior."

Ootori-senpai nodded. "We should've trusted you more, and-"

You sighed before patting their shoulders. "I guess it's okay. I get what you two are saying and I forgive you. Okay?" You let yourself mile at their lightened-up eyes. "Just don't believe some girl with false accusations, deal?"


I UpDaTed.

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