21.A surprise visit

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Since afternoon classes are canceled due to the cultural expedition, you had time to go to the club without being late. Though, you had to help Renge first, the twins were bothering her about not drinking commoner's coffee.

Haruhi ended up buying instant coffee for the club, since they ran out. You sigh before packing your things and leaving the room, not before playfully smacking the back of the twins heads.

You entered the club, where Kyoya was writing in his notebook, Tamaki doing his own foolish thing, and Mitsukuni and Takashi playing. All of them wearing knight costumes.

You walked up to Kyoya, poking his shoulder. "So, today's theme is knights?" The megane nodded "Yeah, " He then pointed his pen to the paper bag in the chair. "Your costume is in there, go get change before the club starts."

You nodded, going to the bag. You didn't know what went through Kyoya's head, after the stunt you pulled. It's probably a shock mostly. . .

You entered the changing curtain and opened the bag, it was something black and white. With ruffles . . .

You put it on without a thought, though, you regretted it when you saw yourself in the mirror.

"KYOYA!!!!!" You screamed. You shoved the curtains aside and stomped towards the megane, embarrassment and irritation rising. Kyoya peered at you from his glasses, before smirking in smugness.

"Where did you get this!" you cried. It was the same maids outfit  that Mrs. Hitachiin made you wear it before, it's sleeves, ruffles, and laces were all the same.

"I asked Mrs. Hitachiin to send it here, she was ecstatic when I mentioned you would be wearing it." Then he leaned towards your ear, whispering. "And it's payback from the other night."

You flushed in embarrassment. Of course he would do something like this. . .

"Y/N-chan, you look so cute!" Mitsukuni exclaimed in happiness. Tamaki was gushing over you, hugging you all the while. Takashi was . . . he just looked neutral, except for the pink tint on his cheeks.

"Hey, is that our mother's design?"

You swiveled to see the twins entering, mischievous smirks plastered on their faces. "Aw, you look like a girl." Kaoru cooed. Hikaru brought the laces of the sleeves between his fingers. "The stitching is good, the stitchers must've been skilled. As expected."

You freed yourself from their grasps, flushing in embarrassment. "I'll get the food ready." You muttered under your breath, before going towards the kitchen.

You were arranging the sweets in their category, cakes with their flavor, eclairs with their fillings and etc. You were preparing the instant coffee and tea when you heard Tamaki wailing.

You rushed out of the kitchen to see three girls in the same uniforms, the tallest one in the middle. The other two by her side, acting like guards.

You walked towards them, hands in a cautious manner. "Excuse me," The three girls, and Haruhi, looks towards you "Is there something wrong?" You asked.

The three of them stared at you, blinking owlishly. Suddenly, the tallest rushed to you and went on her knees, holding your hand. "What's a beautiful maiden doing in a place like this?" she said, dramatically while caressing your hand.

The other two went to your sides and touched your exposed shoulders. "Oh my, what lovely skin!" the shorter one admired. "Yes, she's a pearl amongst the swine." the middle one added.

You didn't like this excessive touching. You freed yourself and took slow steps back. "I'm sorry, but I'm not a girl. "You scratched the nape of your neck. "I'm a boy." The three gasp before the tall one rushes to you, cupping your face. "Impossible! Your beauty is too much of a fair maiden's!" she exclaimed.

The Waiter (Discontinued)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara