29.Summer Vacation Part 2

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You woke up to the sound of crying, a baby's wail to be exact. You shook off the drowsiness and went to the crib that was near your bed, Kaito wailing out his discomfort. He just woke up from a nap. . .

"Come one, Kaito." You cooed the baby, picking him up in your arms. You rocked the child while shushing him, effectively calming him down. You decided to go downstairs with the baby in your arms, when you heard piano music. You turned to see Tamaki joyfully playing on the keys of the instrument. You couldn't help but smile at him, and the guests seemed to agree with you.

"Y/N-kun." You looked to see Misuzu-san coming your way. "How's little Kaito doing?" "He's doing well, Misuzu-san." Kaito nodded in agreement, staring doe-eye at the okama. "KAWAII!" You smiled as the okama fawned over the baby, feeling fuzzy and warmth engulf your body.

"Look, that boy has a baby."

"Oh my, do you think that's his brother?"

"He's so pretty! His little brother is also so kawaii!"

You heard these from the guests in the pension, feeling flustered again. "Mama." You looked down at Kaito again, who had snuggled into your chest. "Piano. . . Play." Getting the message, you walked towards the piano with Kaito in hold when. . .


You looked outside of the windows before running towards the sound. What was that? You got to the porch where you saw Kaoru holding Haruhi close, shards of a broken vase laid on the wooden floor with spilt water. You rushed to them, worried laced on your features. "Kaoru! Haruhi!" You knelt to them, inspecting for injuries. "Are you okay?"

Kaoru looked at you for a moment before smiling a bit. "Hmm, it's just a scratch." Kaito reached forward and placed a hand on his scratched cheek. "Booboo." You traced the scar on his face. "We need to treat this or else it'll get infected." Kaito nodded in agreement, a concerned expression on his face. You turned to Haruhi, who's processing on what happened. "Haruhi, are you hurt?"

"No." She replied, but you still inspected her face for any scratches. When there was none, you sighed in relief. "Thank goodness you two didn't get hurt." Kaito clapped in happiness. "Mama. . Happy." Haruhi blinked at the baby. "When did Kaito learn to speak?" "Siri made him watch some educational videos for babies."

That made her understand.

"Kaoru!" You both turned to see Hikaru fussing over his younger brother, when Kaoru assured him he was fine, Hikaru sigh and relief and placed his head on Kaoru's shoulder. They exchanged a few words before smiling at each other.


And Misuzu-san had to go on the roof.

Then he declared the twins the winners. You could predict that Tamaki was struck with an arrow of defeat, making you snicker. Haruhi congratulated the two, you doing the same. But when they turned, they had shady shadows on their faces, making you be hit with realization. 'That was all planned?' You blinked at the two before sighing. "Why am I not that surprised. . ."

But then again, they would've pulled something more dramatic. Like a fight.

It was peaceful, darkness was peaceful and bliss. Nothing was said, heard, nor thought. Your mind thought of nothing. You heard nothing. You said nothing. You felt nothing. It was like this when you sleep.

Suddenly, like a 6th sense, you felt like someone was coming to your room. You fluttered your eyes open before looking at your door, Kaito sleeping peacefully while in dreamland. The door creaked open, you sat up and waited for them to come in, the person revealed to be Kaoru. He was half naked with trousers on, a bandage on his cheek.

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