26. Fairytale?

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You read the invitation over again before going to your older sister, who was currently sleeping after having sex with one of the nobles from the area. The servants had come to you with a letter in hand, the written paper said it was a ball for the prince and his other princely friends. And Siri and you were invited.

You stood in front of her door with intricate designs, listening for any sounds of pleasure, before knocking on the wooden furniture. There was a tired 'Come in' before you pushed the door. Siri lay in bed, her bare body covered by her blanket, her dark hair messy and the after sex glow from her skin shone. You waved the invitation in the air. "Prince Tamaki is having a ball along with his friends, it's to find a bride."

Siri rubbed her forehead. "What time?"


Siri nodded before standing up, you averted your eyes from what others would call ' A blessing to the eyes', and waited patiently for her to dress. Because you are a gentleman and respect others' privacy. Plus, you were attracted to men.

After hearing the finished ruffle of clothes, you looked back at Siri in her red dress with black laces. Fixing her hair, she says "Get ready at 5:30" You nodded before giving her the letter and went outside.

You waved at the passing people, some boys giving charming smiles before winking, girls giggling a 'hello' before resuming their discussion. The women joyfully greeted you while the men would give you grins of merriment.

You were quite known in the country, cause of your sister of course. She is a well known merchant who had grown in wealth and status, she became the first female noble with no husband. But, of course, she had to make some agreements that included sexual activities for that to happen. But if anyone messes with her or you, it'll be so painful to think about it. She could burn you until you're one of the poor, throw you with the lions or any other predator, and many more methods.

You, however, was her mercenary. If Siri was the king/queen, then you were her knight. She would assign people to eliminate, but of course, only the bad ones and those who deserved it. You had morals about people, you didn't hesitate to protect the king when he asked. You were acquainted-some would say friends- with the other princes and royal families from other kingdoms, they were majorly the friend's of the prince of your country. You had skills and the will to fight, only for the right purpose and reason.

But, being a mercenary wasn't the only thing you were known for. You were known for your girlish beauty, despite being male. Many times men attempted to rape you, and you retaliated by kicking them where the sun doesn't shine. You received many confessions and proposals from many of the boys, yet, Siri found them unworthy for you. The girls saw you as a big brother, you would protect them from men who had un pure intentions. But, you were closest to a village girl who's opinion for gender roles is so low, she doesn't care what she dresses. Much to her father's dismay.

Haruhi Fujioka, a village girl who was blunt with her words, yet sweet and kind to the people around her. You were kinda like her when it comes to status. You didn't care when it came to status, you would happily wear commoner clothes-cause the ruffles and laces were itchy and uncomfortable. You two get along with each other, you two were even comfortable with each other to ruffle each other's hair. You two would sometimes talk about the future and, at times, even marriage.

Now that subject is something you weren't sure. You liked having freedom and stuff, but sometimes you would find yourself wondering what would it be like to have someone to kiss? What would it be like to have someone who would protect you and care for you? What would having sex be like?

You weren't sure, emotions were a thing you knew when it comes to others. But for you? You didn't even know what love feels like. But from what couples say, it's when you feel your heart palpitating, you feel warm and fuzzy, then you feel a stinging feeling when they're with someone else. You guess you had feelings like that to some of the princes you befriended.

But, would they return it?

"Hold still."

You hissed as Siri tightened the collar on your suit. You liked the tunic and vest, but the sleeves could've been shorter. You two got in the carriage and rode off. The palace was filled with guests in different clothes in all different styles.

You two got off and entered the building, the guards followed your movement. It wasn't until you found the ball room, filled with guests in elegant clothing. The women seemed especially excited, since one of them would be picked as one of the brides for the princes. At the back, the head of the part, were the prince and his friends.

Tamaki wore his every stylish prince suit with white accents, purple laces trailing on his vest. His hair neatly tousled, giving him a dashing look. His closest friend, Kyoya, the third son of the Ootori family with his neat dark hair and pale skin. Wearing his dark purple vest with green outlining suited his personality. The Hitachiin twins wore identical clothing, but different colors; Hikaru wore light blue with orange accents while Kaoru wore the other way around. Their hair parts in different directions, so people could signify which one is which. Mitsukuni was still short as ever, wearing his pink suit with accents of white, big brown eyes shone with happiness. His cousin, Takashi, was there with him in his dark blue clothes, which fits his dark spiky hair and stoic face.

It wasn't long before the ball began. Everyone chatted away before people started to dance, you accepted some requests to dance, but the last three were the longest. You were wondering which dessert to get when you felt a tap, you turned to meet pale skin and dark grey eyes. "Kyoya." The megane smirked, before grabbing a glass of wine. "Nice to see you here, Y/N."

You smiled. " Hmm, have you decided who to pick for your bride?"

Kyoya shook his head.' Not yet, but maybe later."

You two soon converse about his kingdom, his brothers and father, and his position. It wasn't long until he asked you to dance, which you accepted. He took the male part while you were the female, you didn't mind that. He was a graceful dancer, his movements seemed as if he was walking on air. It lasted longer than the other dances.

You were able to make some chat with Tamaki, Hikaru and Mitsukuni, but haven't seen the other twin and cousin. You glided through the crowd, searching for a certain brunette when someone bumped into you. Your balance was knocked off and you found yourself falling, but before you could react, arms held you from the floor. You opened your closed eyes to see Kaoru, smiling. The next song went off and you two danced. You made small chit-chat while dancing, movements in time with the music. When it was done, you both parted ways.

You were walking when you bumped into someone's chest, you looked up to see the stoic yet gentle giant. You gave each other smiles before he asked you to dance. The dance was quiet, but you two didn't mind. You could tell from each other's expressions the words you wanted to say. His movements were graceful and strong, he held you as if you were fragile. When it was done, you two parted.

It was time for the princes to announce their chosen brides. Tamaki chose Haruhi, much to your joy and surprise. Hikaru chose a brunette similar to Haruhi. Mitsukuni chose Reiko, a female who's been into dark related things. And when he spoke, it sent joyful shivers and a flutter to your heart.

"I choose Y/N L/N."

You were blinded by bright light, only to notice you were in your room. Your alarm clock beeping for school. It was just a dream.

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