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"So how did we get stuck up here, together?" Bellamy asked as he scanned the courtyard of the Embassy with his scope.

"It's called a plan and knowing your enemy. Echo has only talked to you and me. With me in the Mountain and you in the Mountain plus at the Summit. Echo wants power and control, she'll personally ask us to be delivered to her." I spoke as I spun my dagger in my hand, bored.

"Jaha is in, signal Kane." Bellamy informed, his walkie already in my other hand as I whistled lowly into the comm system.

I watched my father and Indra begin to walk towards the Azgeda sentries from the window opposite Bellamy which looked into Polis. I saw them begin to walk underneath us and when I lost sight, I went back over to Bellamy's side.

"Jaha's stumbling towards Kane now. It worked." Bellamy narrated as I waited on the other side of the window. Watching him as he stared down the scope. His face determined yet calm.

I found myself unconsciously tracing over his features. From his hands around the gun to his head of curls. Then finally back down to his jawline then over to his deep brown eyes that were staring straight at me.

I cleared my throat trying to come up with something to say to avoid the fact I had been caught.

"Anything else? Have they signaled yet?" I then mentally smacked my palm against my forehead, I'm the one holding the walkie. I saw a smirk crawl onto his face. My insides churning as I held back my embarrassment.

"Not yet." I saw him hold back a laugh as I nodded my head and began to turn away. A thought popping in my head.

"You have black oil, under your eye. Must have been from the scope." I watched his smirk drop as he brought his hand to his eye. A smirk growing on my own lips as I managed to make him become embarrassed.

"Grey to Red. Grey to Red."

"Red here, what's wrong?" I spoke quietly, staring at Bellamy as we waited his response.

"Echo did exactly what you said she would. But she only wants Bellamy." I shook my head, taking a step away from the window Bellamy was at.

"Tell her she gets both of us or neither of us." I tried but it seemed like Echo's decision was permanent.

"She only wants Bellamy." Of course she does.

I had my back to Bellamy and didn't even here as he approached me. My eyes were closed and my right hand was clenching the walkie so hard it might have broken.

Breathe, in and out.

"Hey," my eyes snapped open as I nearly jumped when he set his hand on my shoulder, "it's going to be okay. We're just trying to distract them long enough for Abby and Clarke to save Roan, right?" I nodded my head yes, not trusting my voice at the moment. "This was your plan after all. And you always succeed. Now we can succeed together."

"Yeah." The word came out as a breathy whisper. "Okay." I made my voice stronger as I handed Bellamy his walkie, purposely pushing it across my body and towards his right hand that was still on my shoulder.

"Okay, well let's go see what's going on."


The sun had set and we were still wasting time by "determining" whether or not Bellamy would be going. Even though it was already decided, I tried to delay the inevitable for as long as possible.

"She's Ice Nation. She can't be trusted." Indra continued looking at me for support.

"She's right bu-" I was interrupted by an old friend.

"Never a dull moment, huh?" I looked at this new arrival with raised eyebrows.

"You mind waiting your turn?" I scolded, turning towards the group again.

"Bellamy, she's part of the royal guard. Spies. It's why she's not marked." I explained, the curly headed male listening but seemed uninterested.

"Very dangerous, very loyal." Indra added.

"Not to the people who saved her life."

"Bellamy, I know how you feel about her, but you can't lose control." I set a hand on Bellamy's arm to make him face me as he digested what my dad had said.

"You just need to stall her. Keep her talking. Use your charm, but not too much. It turns you into an asshole." I watched a smile cross his lips as he gave a laugh of disbelief. "Be diplomatic." I offered as a word of advice, an eye roll following as he listened.

"You can offer them technology, guns, whatever it takes to keep her talking." Indra and I both looked at my father like he had gone insane.

"Guns?" My hand slid from Bellamy's arm as I turned to face my dad fully.

"I didn't agree to give them guns." Indra added agreeing with my shock.

"Well that's probably because you're not an idiot."

"It won't get that far. Our objective is to buy Abby some time to save the King. And if you want to help, grab a weapon. Stand post." My father continued clearly offended by Murphy's words.

"Take mine." Bellamy handed Murphy his gun in front of me. My jaw clenched as I watch Bellamy purposely disarm himself. "I got this." He gave the three of them a confident nod and smile and started to walk away.

"B-" I stopped myself, what was I doing. I watched as he got a head start, my feet staring to follow before I remembered what I had to do.

"Murphy, we can talk about whatever you wanted to after this." I spoke as I walked passed them on my way out.

"Where are you going?" I met his curious stare with a smirk.

"I've got a job to do." I turned before he could ask any questions. My eyes catching the grounder girl I had seen next to him when I woke up. My smirk didn't leave my lips as I turned and walked over into a dark corner of the courtyard complex.

Once I made sure my sword was tight and my daggers were secured, I grabbed ahold of the window seal and started climbing up to the roof.

Don't do anything stupid, Blake.

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