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"Thank you for your hospitality and for healing me. For the pain I have caused, I do not deserve it." I spoke as I tugged my now dry boots back on and pulled my cloak on over the grounder clothes I had been given. My black leather jacket lost in the river somewhere and the black cargo pants and shirt were in bad shape.

"You're still injured. You should rest." I smiled but shook my head.

"Randolf, you and you're wife have done too much. I am in your debts." I hated the word coming out of my mouth but I knew it was the right thing to say. "If you need a favor, you find me. And I will do my best to help you. But now, I need to go." I strapped my dagger into its sheath, a sad smile on my lips as I felt the empty spot where Miller's dad's dagger had been. I tightened the sword strap across my chest and secured my forearm sheath given to me by Adria before sliding my silver cuffs on my wrists. How all of this stayed on me was a miracle, but the greatest miracle of all was right outside the door.

"You never did tell me how you found me." I spoke as we walked towards the front door of the cabin.

"Well, it was more like he found me." I looked at Randolf confused only to see him open the door and my eyes to widen in delight.

"Erebus!" The horse looked towards me and saw me wobble-run over to him. His soft neigh brought me joy as he met me in the middle as he could see the limb I had going on.

I wrapped him in a hug to which he curled his neck around me, resting his head on my back embracing me in his own way.

"Thank you, Erebus." I whispered as I squeezed gently around his neck.

"Everything in your bag hasn't been touch other than we added a few apples for the both of you." I turned to Alseka and gave her a grateful smile.

I saw the two young girls peering through the window and sent them another smile and a wink to which they quickly hid in surprise.

"Mochof, Healer Alseka kom Azgeda. Mochof, Randolf kom Azgeda." I spoke as I grasped Erebus' reins and steadied myself. I took a deep breath in before pushing myself up. Ignoring the pain that occurred as I finally sat in the saddle. My head rushing as I had to take a few more breaths before turning away from the cabin.

"Nestam!" I called over my shoulder giving them a wave as I started in a walk down the path through the forest.

Once I made it into the covering of the trees, I pulled the brown cloth from my skin and looked at the wrap around my stomach to check for any bleeding. Thankfully I hadn't reopened it as I was mounting the giant horse from the ground, but it did feel tight and pinched as I carefully rode trying not to move to much. I could handle my left shoulder pulsing and right thigh stinging, but the wound on my stomach was too profound to not worry about. If it opened again, I don't think I'd be as lucky.

Whatever Alseka had done healed my wounds quickly, new skin growing as they were healthy with no signs of infection. I was very lucky to be alive, and she had the skills to keep me there.

"Let's go save our people Erebus." And with a deep breath, I braced myself as I kicked Erebus into a canter. The breeze of the fresh wind calming as I rode and kept my mind off the pain.

Death was not here to take me with him today, and I will fight until he does.

"Fly, Erebus. Fly!" And he did.


Yes, it had only been two and a half days since I was stabbed, shot, and shot again. Was I fully healed? No. Did it matter? Not even a bit. And I'm glad I left when I did or else I wouldn't have made it to the Azgeda Parade on time.

I saw the army as I broke from the tree line. My jaw clenched as I pulled my black cloak up and worked to cover my sword. Hoping that the Azgeda style pants and shirt I was wearing would work as I hid my hair and any other accessories which would be a dead give away. My silver wrist guards coming off as I slid them into my bag.

I knew there was nothing I could do to hide Erebus as he towered over the rest of the horses, but I would hope that they all thought it was a coincidence as he did blend in with the two riderless horse's at the front coat wise. I drifted to the far side behind the army and scanned the scene ahead of me. In front of the army knelt two men in Skaikru clothing, one with grey hair and the other black. But not the curly black, this was straight hair on a slim figure. The two men had to be my father and Monty.

I roughly estimated the archers and the infantrymen, scanning for weakness in defenses as I hovered just beyond the ridge. My eye glancing upward towards the tops of the two cliffs and nodding as I saw the Skaikru guard along it. Keeping the Ice Nation army in a kill box.

My head high and confident as I shielded my face with the shadow of the cloak. Taking a deep breath in, I started forward.

I made it passed the infantrymen without so much as a glance as they simply passed me for one of their higher ranking officers due to the horse. I now just had to make it by the lower ranking officers to move closer to the front where the higher ranking officers sat. Especially their War Chief. He was the only one still on his horse.

As I began to pass the first ranking officer I kept a steady pace, my eyes locked on the front lines where I intended on stopping and scraping a plan together. It would be thought that the Azgeda Gonakru would keep a closer eye on suspicious behavior. Especially after they were caught off guard by whatever happen previously, but no. They all just let me go. Not once giving me a second glance as they stayed watching the Ark Guards along the ridge.

Vlákas. They may have just been too arrogant to think someone could have infiltrated Azgeda ranks to question me as I passed more officers making my way to the front.

Or confident that the only person who could have infiltrated them was dead at the bottom of the river somewhere.

Or too preoccupied with previous orders to not give a damn that a horse rider was walking up to the front.

The valley was quiet as I confidently continued to move forward. The sky darkening as the day slowly drifted away. I had been riding for most of the day and wanted nothing more than to untack and lay in my own bed, but I knew it wouldn't have been so easy. Now, with Azgeda knocking down our door - or trying to, I doubt I'd even get to sleep.

Especially after a loud explosion erupts into the sky. An explosion that came from Arkadia. An explosion that caused me to forget about discreet.


The word fell from the lips of every member of Skaikru including my own as we saw the smoke tower topple over the trees. The explosion distracted the lines of gunman on the ridge and Azgeda warriors as I took my chance.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz