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We were moving through the forest at the first light of dawn. The both of us fully charged and ready for the trek back as we packed up and I tacked Erebus quickly. The snow light as Erebus's hooves pounded against it, shaking it up and sending the fresh powder up into the air behind him.

This continued for the next fifteen minutes before we exited the white woods on sector 8, Azgeda territory, and entered the free space an hour's ride from Arkadia.

"We'll make it in time for breakfast." I informed, grinning slightly to myself, though remembering how very little we would have for breakfast. And really every meal forward. Especially with the extra mouths we just brought in.

We need to be quick in finding a solution, or else we'll have a rebellion on our hands. As much as I love rebellions, this isn't one any of us could afford. This would be paid in blood— enough of that has been spilt to last at least two weeks.

I'd rather not have to kill to keep order. Though inevitably, I sense that this will be the exact thing that ends up keeping it.

When all we know is war, the only answer is more war. When all we know is death, the only answer is more death. As much as I'd like to say I have changed, in the end, I always come back to death. To blood. To killing.

I may not be able to steer away from death, but I will do my best to keep others from accepting that blinding darkness that chooses to protect me and cocoon me. Even if the cost was my humanity, at least I know I can still care. I can still fight. I can still possibly learn to love, whatever that looks like.

And as Erebus sensed my inner conflict, he began to speed up on his own accord, urging me to refocus on the task at hand. Saving me from an impending headache.

"Thank you." My whisper was heard as he once again kicked up speed, a soft whiny sounding from his throat as he raced through the long grassy plain. His mane flowing on a breeze as we glided across the grass and cut through the wind.

We're on our way, Arkadia.


"Open the gate!" I grinned as Erebus and I came trotting passed the tree line. Just barely in sight for the men at the gate. The metal barrier pulling open as we grew nearer and nearer. No signs of damage nor trouble were noticeable as we trotted through the opening.

"Morning, Major."

"I told you not to call me that Sergeant Miller!" I shouted as I passed him in the watch tower. The older man smiled and laughed as we made our way over towards the large vehicle parked in the center of camp.

Erebus's feet slowed down to a walk then a stop as we reached the small group of three in a troublesome discussion.

"What am I supposed to tell the people now?"

"The truth." I answered Clarke, drawing the blonde's attention as well as Raven's and Bellamy's.

"Where the hell have you been?" Bellamy was the first to respond to my sudden presence, my eyes flicking towards him in slight annoyance but I understood his worry.

"We can talk later, right now we need to figure out what Clarke is going to say to everyone." I could help the passive aggressive edge in my tone as it slipped out. I was angry that she hadn't told them yet, but I also knew it would just sow panic.

Not even a few seconds back and I'm already agitated.

"I should make you say it because you failed to bring back the damn generator." I steadied Erebus before hopping off his back to land in front of Clarke.

"I'll do it right now if you'd let me." I hissed back, knowing she'd cave in and apologize once she tried to find a reasonable response.

"I'm sorry, I'm just stressed." She sighed, accepting defeat.

"We all are Clarke." I spoke, softer than before, "but you aren't doing this alone. This is not your burden any longer. This is ours, all of it."

"She's right Clarke." Bellamy chipped in, his body right beside mine as he stepped closer. "Together I know we can fix what we did, but it's going to take time."

"Time we don't have," Raven cut in, "nor space thanks to you two."

"Time, we'll make up before the end of the world. You're a bloody genius, Raven. If anyone is going to save us scientifically, it's going to be you. The best Arkie zero-g mechanic whose now in g." I saw a small smile cross her face at my words. Her ego unable to contain itself as it agreed with my statement.

"Clever." She mocked, a light grin on her lips.

"It did the job." I added back, a small smile on my own lips as she rolled her eyes.

"And now we have a job." Clarke cut in, reminding us of the task at hand. "Call a general meeting."

"Let me throw Erebus back and I'll be right there." The three of them nodded before heading towards the main entrance of Alpha Station while I headed towards the hangar bay. As much as I want to call it a garage, I've been scolded by several people as they only knew it as a bay and not a storage facility.

Many people passed us as they went towards the meeting ground outside, whispers here and there of food situation and the rain. Nothing about the fire raging in favor of our destruction.

I'm curious to see whether this type of ignorance is bliss.


"So now you know the truth." Clarke's words echoed above the crowd. "I know you're afraid. I know you're angry. But when I shut down Alie, I knew there was a way for us to get through this— together." Clarke glanced down towards where Bellamy, Raven, and I stood, the two shared a glance in front of me before Clarke continued. "Alpha station is that way. Every single one of us will survive on this ship." No. I took a step forward ready to march up there and fix her words when Bellamy's arm shot around my waist and pulled me back.

"It won't be easy." Clarke continued her voice rising.

"What are you doing!" I hissed tugging at his arm, glaring at him as he yanked me back towards him. My control slipping as I listened to Clarke's lies. The false hope tearing threw me.

"Raven needs volunteers if we're gonna get it ready in time. It'll be a lot of work, but now you understand why we need to do it." Clarke's voice covered ours as he responded.

"If you tell them, they'll stage a coup. We don't need that right now." Bellamy spoke practically in my ear as he spoke softly without looking at me. He could see I was losing control, but I had enough that I remained where I was.

"If I do it now, then they get to decide whether or not that want to help put the ship back together or if they want to run off into the woods and frolic with the nymphs." He was quiet as he took in my thoughts. His arms still holding me to him as we watched Clarke finish up her speech.

"If we stick together, I give you my word, we won't just survive. We'll thrive." The crowd took their turn to establish their thoughts as murmurs surged from all around us.

"Liar." I snarled under my breath but remained contained in Bellamy's arms. Not letting myself break free like I could have done seconds ago.

"I don't like this as much as you do, and when the time comes, Clarke will explain." I sighed, tension freeing from my shoulders.

"Clarke will do a lot more than explain, I expect a damn full-hearted apology."

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now