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"Arkadia is back that way." I stayed silent, driving through the forest as I watched the headlights brush over the greenery.

It was still dark out which is exactly why I was driving as fast as I could through the uneven terrain. I was racing the sun.

"Persphyni?" I kept my eyes on the road, answering him by accelerating forward. "Where are you going? We need to get back to Arkadia." I ignored him as I pulled the shifter allowing us to speed up over the small stretch of flat terrain.

"Persphyni!" I grabbed his hand before he could grab mine, my eyes still on the road as I pushed his hand back to his side.

"Rule number one. Don't touch the driver." I spoke monotone as I shifted out of the gear to slow down as we began to approach the target.

"Then talk to me! You can't just go all silent after we picked them up— it's not fair." Bellamy rose his voice as he tried to hold back his anger.

"It's not, but I knew if I told you before I got us here. You wouldn't let me drive." My information shut him up because he knew it was true.

"We have less than two weeks until the Death Wave. We can spare a minor detour. We'll be back to Arkadia before the sun reaches the midpoint between its peak and the horizon." I began as I rolled to a stop just outside where the gate used to be. The headlights gently shining on the grass and area ahead as I shut the Rover off. "Besides, you suggested it."

I knew he had already figured out where we were going once I didn't turn to take the road back. I guess he just didn't mean to do it today. But I wasn't sure if we'd get the chance later.

"Come on." I spoke calmly as I opened the door and elegantly slid out. My feet crunching softly in the wet grass.

Together we moved to the front of the Rover, our shadows stretching out the ground due to the headlights. The memories of this place and the vision I had the last time I came here alone crossed my train of thought. A sad smile on my face as I took a step forward.

My head turning as I stuck a hand out to the male behind me. His much larger and warmer hand grasped mine as he stepped to be shoulder to shoulder with me. Our eyes turning away from the other's as we directed our attention to the plain of land ahead of the blacked metal hunk.

Together we took a deep breath before walking past the invisible line that separated the forest from this haven. My body relaxing immediately as the strange feeling settled over me. The same feeling I had the last time, only this time stronger.

"Welcome home." It was a whisper but it rang loud in our hearts as we walked together through the old camping ground.

We eventually split off as I made my way towards the old circle of stones that used to be the fire pit and he walked towards the ramp of the old dropship. A smile on our lips as we relived certain moments in our minds.

I ventured over to the side of the dropship where I had watched Murphy bust Wells' ankle. Where I had first met the tall male with his gelled hair.

"Your hair was horrendous. All gelled up and slicked back. It was like someone glued your curls back." I laughed as he scoffed and began to walk over.

"Yeah, maybe, but at least I wasn't the color of the full moon." I playfully gasped and moved toward him threateningly.

"Oh sure, blame me for never seeing the sun. At least I had enough people skills to not be a jackass." I shot back. My eyes in a squint as I had to bite my lip to stop my grin from spreading.

"Or maybe you didn't have any which was why you were such a standoffish bitch." He played along as he got closer.

"Or maybe I was standoffish because I constantly had to protect my brain cells from running away simply hearing you speak such idiotic words." This time he growled as he pretended to be angry with me. My laugh slipping out as he kept coming towards me.

"Well, at least I know what I want. And have always known what I want. If you're saying I don't have brain cells then clearly you need to go find yours." I looked at him in shock as the small rays of light flicked through the air. His body much closer now as I felt the hard metal pressed into my back.

I wasn't sure what was happening. I only knew we weren't playfully teasing each other. I must have said something that struck a nerve or Bellamy finally snapped. Either way, I could feel my heart racing as my blood rushed through my limbs.

"And what is it that you want?" My voice was a whisper as I looked him dead in the eye trying to read his emotions as he took another step closer. Our toes almost touching just like when we used to have our standoffs. Only this time we weren't trying to intimidate the other.

His eyes searched mine as I read the sincerity of his thoughts as he spoke them out loud. My heart catching in my throat at his words as I found myself wanting to cave into the idea of it all.

"A chance." Just two words. Two words that held so much meaning and thought behind them.

I couldn't breath much less make coherent sentences as I knew what my heart wanted but my brain just couldn't figure it out.

"I... uh, Bell." I tried to find words but I was speechless. His eyes read my conflict and he swooped in and saved me from being more of an idiot.

"Let's go watch the sunrise." He stepped back with a small smile as he offered a hand towards me.

With a nod, I accepted his hand silently as I followed him up into the dropship. Our ascent quiet other than our boots on the metal as we climbed up to the third floor and Bellamy pulled a ladder from some dark corner of the room.

My eyes would have glared at the ladder had I not been so dazed. My anger would have been for it being here the whole time while I fell from the top of the opening in the roof. Additionally, if in the right state of mind, I would have been even more distraught at discovering an actual opening in the ceiling.

Now thinking back, it wasn't there before, meaning someone had to of come out here and created it. But as we climbed up I didn't give it much thought as I arrived on the rooftop.

We stood, our eyes staring in the easterly direction where the sun's rays penetrated the horizon as we rotated on the Earth's axis. The stars slowly fading away as the light chased after the dark.

A content smile settling on my lips as I finally found the right words to say. It seemed like rooftops are the perfect place for my brain to settled down and deliver deep commentary.

"Before I start, thank you. Thank you for the happiest year of my life."

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now