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I followed the unsuspecting duo as they climbed down the stairs and moved over to a large group circled up by a monitor. I kept my distance as I leaned on the railing quietly watching as the black and red wave I had seen outside rolled into Polis. Blinding flashes covered the screen before the video feed went static. And officially all communication with the Bunker was gone.

"Yu gonplei ste odon." I whispered softly as I held my helmet to my chest and watched the group now as they began to speak.

"It's 210 miles from Polis to the island. According to what was our last drone, the wave is accelerating. If we're not off the ground at least 20 minutes before it hits. The electromagnetic charge in the pyroclastic cloud will shut down the rocket's avionics, meaning it won't fly." I wanted to thank Raven for clarifying in English what she was determining. Avionics wasn't my favorite read.

"That gives us 90 minutes to run a 6-hour preflight check,retrieve the oxygen generator from the lighthouse, turn a cockpit designed for two into one that can carry 8, and load the cargo hold with enough food to keep us from starving in space while we wait for the algae to bloom." Space. They're going up to space. The Ring.

"I thought you said it was going to be hard." I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face at Murphy. My eyes trailing to Emori, then the grounder next to her. I don't even want to know why she was here. I was just disappointed that she had managed to smuggle her way into the band of misfits. I was too tired to be malicious at the moment, or else her head would be on the floor.

"That's not the hard part. Becca designed her rocket to dock with Polaris, not the Ark. that means I have to pilot it into the hangar bay on the Ring."

"What's so hard about that?" I glanced over to see Harper and Monty side by side. The couple close as they brushed hands to comfort one another.

"That's not the hard part, either."

"What is the hard part Raven?" Clarke asked what everyone was thinking. I caught a glimpse of her pale face with a dark circle around her left eye. My suspicion was her other eye was just as dark.

"Assuming we blast off in time, CO2 scrubbers on a two-person rocket won't support 8 of us." 

"So we use supplemental oxygen."

"Our tanks only hold an hour of air." I furrowed my brows at Monty's information. Mine held fifteen, miraculously it didn't give out after my triathlon.

"Correct. We'll have one hour to get into orbit, land in the hangar bay, and fire up the life-support system using an oxygen generator built to supply a lighthouse bachelor pad." I heard the waver in her voice. Raven was scared.

"You suck at talking people into things. You know that, right?"

"I'm pretty damn convinced." All heads turned to me. My voice loud enough as it covered the entire space. Silence falling as a soft smile crossed my face. "You didn't think I'd miss out on some type of life-threatening adventure, did you?"

"Persphyni?" I stepped back from the railing and went towards the stairs.

"Hey, guys." I barely made it to the last step when large arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a tight hug. My helmet dropping and rolling on the ground as I squeezed him back. My face burying itself into his neck as I hugged him.

"Octavia said you had vanished. I thought you died." He whispered as he hugged me closer.

"I'm here, Bell. I'm right here." I wasn't mad he hadn't stopped my dad, nor that he told him my intentions. I told him that indirectly as my eyes closed and I let myself sink into his embrace. Hot tears found their way onto the two of us.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now