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"Bellamy, can you help me put my hair in a ponytail?" I asked, refusing to turn to face him. Hoping he'd understand I needed to talk with him privately due to my weird request and lack of eye contact.

I held out a hair tie and waited for his large hand to grab it. My other hand slipped backwards to find his jacket and slide the folded canvas into his front pocket as he stepped closer to pull my long hair into a high pony.

"They're being moved. I need to get them out." I spoke softly as if I was talking about spring flowers. His hands moving swiftly as he surprised me by actually putting my hair up. His hands swift and knowledgeable as he smoothed out the hair to erase bumps. His fingertips briefly drew across my scalp sending a trail of tingles through my nerves.

"Not by yourself. I'm sure Erebus won't mind a second passenger." I had a small smile on my face as he tied my hair up, securing it with the black tie.

"Maybe, but they'll need you to guide them." I gave him a look over my shoulder, knowing he'd understand what information needed to be relayed. "Tell the others, I'm more than prepared to get you all out. My family first and foremost." And those important to them.

I needed to get them out of here quickly. And as if that little girl could hear my thoughts, I watched her little face turn to catch my subtle glance. Her eyes filled with sorrow and agony, but at the very corner, I could see hope creeping in.

I'll get you out. Whether or not she read my lips, she knew I had gotten her message. And that gave her the hope she needed as she bowed her head and walked away. Her shoulders raised a little higher now then they were before.

"Are there any other exits in here?" I listened waiting for a reply to Bellamy's question which I already knew the answer to.

"No. This is completely sealed. Came down from space in here because it's the most secure room in the ship." Bryan's words were filled with bitterness again.

"It was designed that way, in case the hydrazine blew." My ears perked up at the sound of the gas.

"What?" I kept my back to them as I answered Harper's question.

"We have a lethal bomb. And to add on to that point, a lethal killer." My voice was low and subtle to not draw attention.

"Wait a second, the end of the world is coming and you want to destroy the one thing that'll keep out people alive?"

"Have you ever tried to destroy me, Miller? I'm pretty indestructible." I joked before returning to seriousness. "No. I don't want to use it. But if that's our only option." I trailed off, knowing they understood what I meant.

"What about Riley? Not all of our people are going to be saved." Bryan snapped at his boyfriend. The aggression made me want to throw him off the top of the ship.

"I vote that we take it home." Miller spat back calmly. Clearly that Riley comment had pissed him off and I wanted to punch Bryan for making Miller doubt himself.

"No. Blow it up." This quarrel is going to make me blow up.

"I'm with Bryan. I know what it's like to be locked up and afraid." Harper added to her support. "You didn't leave us in Mount Weather. We shouldn't leave them here." I breathed in as I worked on calming my brain.

She had a point, but I also knew I could do this without a fancy gadget. We could save the generator and them.

"Can we build another machine?" Bellamy asked the question I had been wondering as I gripped the metal bars in my hands.

"No way." Monty hissed. "The tech's too advanced."

"We have six months. We have Raven. Are you telling me she can't figure out another way to make water?" Bellamy drilled, I could hear the stress in his voice as he grilled Monty.

"Yes. Look. I know you want to make up for the things you're done, believe me, we all do. But we need to think of the big picture, 25 people instead of 500. We're talking about the human race, Bellamy. We need to get this machine back to Arkadia, it's the only way." Monty was right. But I also know that Bellamy makes choices with his heart.

"It's two to two, your calls, Bellamy. Pers." This could end in a tie. My head turned for a moment and I realized my mistake. His soft brown eyes were already diving into mine as he tried to read my thoughts, sort out my ideas to formulate the best plan using both of our brains.

I sighed, closing my eyes and then opening them as I showed him what I was thinking. I was with him, in whatever decision he made. I was with him a hundred percent. We'd make this final decision together, one that I know would be detrimental but one that would give him the faith to believe in himself again.

"Okay." His breathy whisper slipped his lips as he understood.

This place was about to blow.


"I'll wait in here, you just get that out of here." I ordered to Bellamy as they finally got it off from the ship. "When you get back, watch your step." I sent him a dazzling smirk as he shook his head.

"You never fail to amaze me." I rolled my eyes, though I felt my stomach turn and a heat rush to my cheeks. You've got to be kidding me.

"And you never fail to make me cringe with your cheesy lines." I looked behind him to see the uneasiness in Monty's face. "You better go before they chicken out. Act like I was never even here." Which would be hard obviously. He shot me one more glance before he turned and they descended down the stairs.

My body sinking into the dark as I listened to the ground below. The grounders didn't ask for me, they didn't speak. They just watched the five Arkies disappear through the door before it slammed shut behind them. Miscalculating causing a large major of error. That error would lead to chaos.

I was chaos.


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