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"Oh shit." The snake head dove towards me without any warning as I looked back up at its teeth. My heart thundering in my chest as an idea flashed though my head. Adrenaline had begun to rise as I dove out of the way, my body hitting the water away from the head of the snake as it took a bite of flesh from its own body. It's sharp hiss of pain filled the air as it pulled back.

I didn't stay to be a hero, I jumped over the body and took off to the beach. It's angry hisses filled the air as it began to make its way towards me again. Only this time with vengeance. My arms were pumping as I forced myself to run. The effort exerted sucked oxygen from my tank as I tried to run faster than when grounders were chasing me.

Have a mentioned that I hate water?

I had reached the shoreline and stepped onto the beach but continued to run as the creature continued to chase. The sand was firm and now without water resisting me, I was able to speed up and gain more distance. But of course, Fate.

My wet boot slipped on a soft part of the sand, sending me crashing to the ground a few yards in front of the snake. As it came out of the water I could see the length of it. I was halfway up onto the beach and that thing kept coming. It's width around was basically the barrel of Helios. I went to stand up but felt an odd object in the sand. My body sighing as I grasped it firmly and waited as the snake rose again. Only this time it didn't pause to strike, and neither did I.

As soon as it struck I lifted the metal spear upwards and held firm as my aim lodged the tip through the snake's mouth and poked out the top where the creature's nostrils were. The spear became heavy as the snake sagged its weight on the weapon, crashing into the sand and crushing my own body as I held tightly to the metal.

My chest heaved up and down as I finally dropped the spear and rolled out from underneath the now dead water-snake. My gloved hand wandering in and ripping a tooth from its roots before sliding it into the pocket of my bag. The souvenir tucked away as I pulled out the map and studied the direction. My twelve hour journey now up to thirteen as minutes ticked away.

As much as I wanted to flop back down on the beach, I needed to reach Becca's lab. I need to make sure they're going to be okay. They have to have some plan other than dying. At least I hope.

"Here we go again."


This must be it. It has to be. After a thirteen hour trek, I arrived at a large concrete building. A single iron door adorning the thinner side. I walked closer to it and grasped the handle, sighing in relief as it opened without any hassle. As I turned to shut the door after me, I paused as I saw the skyline I had previously run from.

Angry red clouds with blinding flashes running through them as black swirled around it. The trees seemed to shake as even the earth coward in fear of the fire that was burning it down.

And for a moment, it was beautiful. The whole mess of it all. The destruction. The imperfection. The fear. The blood. The death. The fire.

I tore myself from the scene as I quickly shut the door and passed through the separate room which locked behind me. Air rushing through before the doors in front of me slid open. My hands moving towards my helmet as I took that as a buffer zone between Oxygen and radiation and pulled my helmet off.

The first inhale I took was cautious, the next long and full as I breathed in the fresh air. Sure it smelled a little off, but it was a clean sort of smell with a tang of metal and chemicals. I looked around the small entrance hall and nearly jumped for joy as I found a map that directed me through the several different levels. My eyes scanning them all before stopping on the very last floor.

"Can't make it easy for me, can they." I looked up with a sigh at the staircase in front of me. A pout on my lips as I made my way over to it. I plan on suing Becca. Ghost can be sued too, at least in my mind.

Alrighty then. Stairwell, here I cry. I mean come. Today can mark a pivotal moment in my exercise career. Not only did I run some and walked some, but I swam, canoed, hiked, climbed up the side of a rocky hill cause I went the wrong way, and now— I'm going down like twenty flights of stairs. To say my legs were burning is an understatement.

I definitely will need a large gulp of water after this.


Elevators. What a lovely invention. Wish I knew Becca installed one before I made it to the bottom floor.

I exited the door to the stairs and stopped in my tracks. My helmet hanging limp as my shoulders slumped in defeat. Right across from me was two metal sliding doors and a sign that read "elevator" just above an up arrow button.

I pulled myself from the near emotional state as I chose to congratulate myself on reaching the bottom of the stairs without stopping or giving up. My eyes looking at the elevator every once in a while as I have myself a pep talk, my eyes only glaring at the tech the longer I looked at it.

"Clarke, Bellamy, get down here!" My head turned to the voice and froze as my two previous co-leaders walked out of a room. There were others. And that voice was a familiar one.

Why the hell is Murphy here?

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now