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My eyes shot open as yelling could be heard outside. A gasping breath filled the space as I nearly choked trying to remember how to breathe. My eyes squinting at the light as a groan escaped my lips. My body sluggish as I recalled what just happened. Anger rushed through me before sorrow filled my chest.

They did it out of love. Love, I wasn't ready to have.

Groggily, I pulled my feet off the couch and sat up, noticing I was in the office as I did. The chants still going from outside as I began to stand. My hands running over my body to make sure everything was still on me. Though the sword was obvious as the weapon had been digging into my back, the others were light enough I could have forgotten I was wearing them. Once I checked to make sure I had everything, I darted towards the door. Before I stopped and ran back over to the desk grabbing pen and paper. My hands moving quickly as the chanting grew louder from outside.

Almost everything I needed to say was written while the things I wanted to say were briefly touched upon.

After I signed my name, I checked the monitor that flashed 15 hours left on a timer giving me a countdown before Praimfaya. I could make it to them and meet them halfway if I left now. If I didn't, I'd be trapped here waiting for them to get back. And if they didn't, I'd die from knowing I didn't try to get them.

If you couldn't tell by my mad dash to get to the door, I went with option F. Fuck Praimfaya, I'm getting my friends.

I paid no mind at all to the crowd below, no longer caring about the happenings of the bunker as my only goal was to get out. Was I leaving Octavia, yes. Would she be fine, I know she'll be. It would be okay. I was going to bring Bellamy back to help support her. I snuck along the ramp and grabbed ahold of the green door. The chanting to fight reverberated against the concrete walls as I cracked the door and nearly ran into a back. My eyes widening as I watched the interaction in front of me.

"Listen to them. They want to fight." I took the passionate speech as a cover for the door to close gently and myself to move into the shadows of the wall. Shock filling my body as they proceeded like I wasn't there.

And to the two men, I wasn't.

They hadn't seen me come in. Which is crazy because they were right there at the door.

But when trying to do drastic things, you tend to lose sight of the little details. Or the large human-like ones.

I know I didn't have much time left, so soon as the two men shut the green door with gas masks on, I shot to the other side of the room like a rocket. My hands finding a backpack where I quickly removed all my weapons, wrist bands, sheaths and folded my cloak before gently setting my crown at the very top. I had become attached to the gift and regret ever putting it on because now I didn't want to take it off.

The backpack zipped up neatly as I stood in my boots, cargo pants, and long sleeve shirt. Quickly yanking off my shoes and the map out of my pocket, I grabbed a suit and proceeded to put it on. My body moving quickly as if on autopilot as I secured my gloves and boots and helmet before attaching the oxygen tank and grabbing an extra. Once everything was done, I threw my backpack over my shoulder and climbed the stairs.

My heart thundered in my chest as I opened the hatch and stepped over the threshold to the Temple before I could change my mind.

Here I come.


The first thing I noticed was the sun. It's fiery red warmth burning the earth as black ash swirled through the air coming closer. The second was the snow. How snow could remain at this time would surprise geologists even. If there were any still alive.

The third thing which was most crucial, was the lack of vehicles. The two vehicles we were meant to have here, weren't. Meaning I was screwed.

"Damnit!" My words were loud as the helmet echoed but kept the sound mostly inside. I spared the Temple entrance a quick glance before a thought occurred to me.

I was a horrible owner.

Always leaving Erebus by himself in such pressing times. But, if what Raven had said is true, he'd have a larger resistance to radiation than even us. Which means he might be on his last legs. But he still could be kicking. And that's where I went to find out.

My heart was hopeful while my mind was calculating. All thoughts surrounded on Erebus who has been by my side through all the madness. And here I was, abandoning him to fight in a conclave then die. It wasn't fair to him.

"Erebus!" I shouted, forgetting I had a helmet on as the sky began to darken with the setting sun.

"Erebus!" I reached the field I always leave him in or get someone to take him to and looked around. My body sagging as I saw no signs of life. My hope was that he understood what was coming and ran free. A last ditch effort for him to be a wild horse. But what comforted me was the saddle that was thrown on the fence. It was mine. And the bridle had come off. Not only was he untacked, but he was fully free from his bonds.

I soft, sad smile crossed my face as I spared a minute to rest my hands on the wooden fence. The snow and ash covered field stretching to the forest as I blinked the current image away and replaced it with green and bright sunlight. With trees that stood tall in the field for shade and mares standing around while the colts played. And there, right under the largest tree, the furthest from everyone, stood a tall shadow watching over them all. A guardian. My Guardian. My Shadow. My Erebus.

"I hope you found your freedom, I will join you soon." I whispered as I looked at the fading sun. Two tears slipping from my eyes as I found a part of me felt peace. Soon, I hope, it would be all of me.

With a quick sniffle, I pulled the map out and examined it with puffy eyes. The water not fully leaving as I examined the distance. Folding the map back up, I pocketed it back into the bag and turned, my eyes widening as I stumbled back into the wooden fence.

My heart swooned as he tilted his head before stepping closer and nudging my helmet with his nose. I felt the water works and I didn't try to stop them as I pulled him into a hug and he returned it. My smile bright as I ran my hands down his neck.

"Hi, Erebus."

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now