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I slowed Erebus to a walk before stopping him all together as we reached the rocky hillside overlooking the vast white wasteland.

"This is as close as we can get." I spoke as I turned Erebus around, watching as the others hopped out of the vehicle, I swiftly dismounted and led Erebus over to a shaded area.

"I'll be back shortly. Stay here and stay quiet." He huffed as I tied his lead loosely to a branch. He wouldn't run away but if he did it was for his own safety. It was a shared agreement between us. "I'll bring you sugar cubes once we get back." He gave a small whinny and pushed me away towards the group as they waited for me.

"Today would be great Kane." I rolled my eyes and jogged over to Bellamy.

"I was thinking maybe tomorrow? Or the next day?" I mocked as I hit my hip with his as I walked passed. My feet drifting towards the pathway down the rocky hillside. "Today would be great Blake." I mimicked as I turned around to see him still standing there frozen as everyone followed after me.

"I was thinking maybe tomorrow? Or the next day?" We all rolled our eyes at his attempted to mock me.

"Just hurry up." I ordered before pressing forward hands at the ready as I scanned the way. The hilts of my daggers seemed to buzz as we got closer and closer, begging me to use them.

"We get the machine and get out of here." Miller spoke as they followed me down. "I don't want to stay here any longer than we have to." There was a silent agreement as we finally saw the crashed Farm Station. I could hear them stop moving to take in what waited for us, but I kept moving. If all of us hesitated, then it would take forever to go. So I kept climbing down the hillside.

"Guys, we got a problem." My daggers were in my hands before Miller could finish his sentence, my eyes scanning the valley below as I finally came to a stop in a defensive stance. The sound of guns clicking came from behind me as Miller continued. "The barn isn't empty."

"They moved in." Bryan's words were filled with bitter disgust. "If it's the same guys who attacked us, with our guns, we could take them."

"I'm sure we could," I listened intently to Bellamy as he shot Bryan's idea down, "but we didn't come here to fight." I felt a small smirk creeping up in my face as I peered at the snow covered valley.

"They butchered us, killed kids, our friends, our families." I sighed, sliding my daggers back into their sheaths before turning to face Bryan.

"I don't like it any more than you do, but Bellamy's right. We need that machine." I nodded at Monty's words.

"Bryan, one day you may get a chance to move pass this. But today isn't that day." I spoke up, my voice traveling back up the cliff towards them. "The important thing to do is to hold onto their memory and help those we can help today." I added, a stoic expression on my face as everyone's eyes fell to me. "Let's go. Bellamy, you're going to-" my words were cut off as I heard soft footsteps approach. "Grab the seal, Bellamy." I ordered, racing back up to the group. But I was too far away, Azgeda grounders had set a blade to Harper's throat and surrounded the rest of them.

"Weapons down, now. Now!" I ducked beneath the edge, hoping the Azgeda grounders hadn't seen me previously. My breath even as I listened to the conflict above.

"Bryan, now." I heard Bryan shifting before the soft thud of his gun hit the grass.

"Hod op." I gently pulled my cloak over my hair and tightened my sword as I listened.

"It's okay, just," Bellamy started, no doubt pulling out the seal. "Haihefa Roun kom Azgeda don sen osir."

It was quiet before a grunt and a thud sounded, my instincts threw me into the fight as I leaped up and over the small cliff face. My sword drawn as a dagger sat in my left hand.

"Ban emo shuda en."

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that." The woman turned to face me as I stood protectively over Bellamy's sprawled out body. "Nau, shoun oso of gon Wormana." The woman seemed shocked but it quickly turned to a fit of anger.

"Wanlida." She hissed, her hands drawing her sword.

"Don't be rash," I spun my sword mockingly in my grasp, "dula chit ai biyo, or wan op."

I watched the woman nod, a signal for the bowmen. Swiftly, I rose my sword and cut down the three arrows headed for my heart while dodging the one directed at my head.

Before the woman could recover from her shock, I disarmed her and trapped her with my dagger to her throat before she could blink. My sword resting across her abdomen trapping her in my grasp.

"Now, do I need to say it again?" I whispered into her ear as I sheathed my sword, then used my free hand to trap both of hers. "Or should I slaughter your men and meet the chief myself."

"Breik em au," she directed to her men, "we'll take you to the chief."

"One of y'all help Bellamy, I'm a bit preoccupied." I directed to Miller and Monty. The two nodding before helping the rest of them up and lifting a half-conscious Bellamy up onto his feet. "Leave the guns in the vehicle." I added before I led the woman at dagger-point down the hillside and towards Farm Station.

Once we were far enough away from Bellamy and the rest of the Arkies, I released the woman from my hold and let her lead the rest of the way down.

"I'll take the seal back." I commanded, leaving no room for argument. Her shoulders tensed but she handed it back to me anyways.

The perks of being Wanlida.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now