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"You're telling me, it's been in Polis this entire time? Right next to the capital building!?" His voice was excited and held curiosity as he watched me race back to Arkadia in the Rover.

"Yes, if I remember the current layout it's either in one of the tunnels or near their Temple."  My thoughts were jumbled together as I focused on getting back to Arkadia to grab Erebus before racing to the capital to find the key to the human race's survival. No pressure.

"I still can't believe you're having these visions or memories. It shouldn't be possible." Bellamy paused for a moment in thought. "You aren't having seizures like Raven and you're not taking pills like Abby." I scoffed as I flew over a hill, the edge of the tree-line in front of me standing like the black and white finish lines back when NASCAR was a thing.

"I don't even know how it happened, but I'm pretty sure I'm okay. I haven't died yet and nothing feels or looks out of the ordinary. The transfer had to have happened when I hacked into the mainframe somehow when I was flying under the radar, literally." I laughed at my own joke before continuing. "She was trying to drain me after Clarke made it to the switch. Then she projected an image of my mom when I was in this world fighting. It had to have been a glitch or something. All I know is I still have an AI chip in the back of my neck that's inactive. So maybe it was all loaded onto that." I sighed as I glanced at Bellamy who had his eyebrows raised.

"If you weren't a badass who came down from space, you would be a seven year old's imaginary friend." I gasped and grabbed my chest in pain at his burn. My foot on the break as we waited for the gate to open.

"It's not my fault my life is a damn action-drama, if there is another universe I'm probably starring on some sci-fi tv show with my trusty dog sidekick named Shadow." We stare blankly at each other before bursting out laughing.

"You're ridiculous." Bellamy asserts as I start driving in.

"I'm 100% right though. This shit is something you could only imagine." I parked the Rover and shut it off. My face becoming serious as I turned towards him. "I'm leaving in five minutes, I'll have a walkie but I won't be able to keep it on. If what Roan said about Polis is true, then I'll need to be a literal shadow. I don't want to start fights that will cause the grounders to turn on us, we are way out numbered and if I do find the bunker— we're going to need our intelligence inside to keep everyone alive." Bellamy sat there quietly, nodding along with me.

"Okay." I frowned at his words before pulling a blank face.

"Ten days Bellamy. Keep our people here safe for ten days. I'll try to find that bunker and get you all inside befo-" I was cut off as Bellamy grabbed my hand.

"You find that bunker. Your dad and I will take care of things here." I nodded as he let go, my body turning to exit out of the vehicle.

"Persphyni?" I whipped around a little too fast as an amused look crossed Bellamy's face.


"Be careful." I nodded before sending him a small smile.

"Careful is my middle name." I saw him roll his eyes before I turned to reach the door handle.

"Persphyni?" I spun around again with an eyebrow raised as I eyed his smirk.


"Contact one of us whenever you get the chance to tell us you're safe so we don't have to send in a rescue party." I shook my head before agreeing and turning back to get out of the Rover. My handle was pulled and I went to push the door away from me when his voice filled the air again.

"Persphyni?" I spun around aggressively ready to send a smack to his head for being so annoying.

"Wh-" I didn't get to finish my shout as I was silenced by the very person I was annoyed with.

His lips collided with mine as he grabbed the back of my neck to pull me towards him. His lips soft as I blinked to register what was happening. My eyes widened before I leaned into him, my hands coming out to grab onto his bicep as he pulled me closer into him. My body shifting towards him quickly as we leaned over the empty space between us.

The kiss was short and sweet, but held so much in its meaning. It was a promise to keep each other accountable. When we pulled back, he rested my forehead on his as our breaths mingled.

"That was—" he breathed out not able to finish his words as I spoke for him.

"Spontaneous?" He nodded as a chuckle slipped his lips at my breathless response.

"Yes, spontaneous could be one word for it." He smiled as we pulled our heads backward so we could look into each other's eyes.

"It was something you'd definitely see on tv." He groaned in disbelief as I started laughing at my comment.

"Yeah, well the only thing that would make it even more tv was if we had an audience." I held back a snort as I bit my lip and glanced towards the back then out the passenger window where I saw we did in fact have a live audience.

"Well, we did technically kiss in front of two bodies. And we have a live audience of one." I couldn't hold back the small laugh that escaped as Bellamy slowly turned his head around to see a shocked Marcus Kane just staring at him. The shocked expression turning darker making Bellamy gulp and look back towards me.

"On secondhand, do you want me to just come with you to Polis?" I cracked up as I gave Bellamy a soft pat on the cheek before smirking.

"I'll walkie to make sure that you're safe and that I don't need to send a rescue party." I exited the Rover with a devilish grin at his groan. My grin turning into a laugh as I past my father who was still glaring at Bellamy.

"Don't rough him up too bad, I know you already look at him like a son." I gave a cheeky grin to my father who spared a second to roll his eyes at me before going back to intimidating Bellamy.

"Nothing wrong with scaring him a bit." I simply chuckled and pat my dad on the shoulder before walking away into the Ark. My feet carrying me to Erebus where I'd find all my necessary items left in my bag from when I took them off to dive head first into the fire.

All of my necessary items accept the dagger I had thrown at Echo. I'd be getting that back once I made it to Polis.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now