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"Shouldn't you be working on the patch in sector 5?" Raven could have growled and it would have be natural with her aggression at this moment.

"Just cut the engine Jaha." I ordered, pulling rank as I moved passed the other three. Successfully getting him to step out of the Rover.

"A patch for a ship that can only save a hundred people?" I narrowed my eyes at the old man, trying to figure him out as he looked at the other three's shocked faces. "Why are you surprised? I am an engineer." Of course he is, that's how he met Clarke's father.

"We have no way to generate water. The harder number is four hundred. Can you really sentence four hundred of our own people to death?" His voice was calm, and if I wasn't expecting the outburst I would have jumped at Clarke's voice.

"We don't have a choice!" I shot a glare at the few workers who had turned to see what Clarke had yelled about, quickly making them turn back to their tasks as I faced the group.

"Actually, I think we might." I spoke up, flashes of the underground bunker coming to mind. "We just have to find it first." The three young adults looked at me curiously as Jaha have a small smile.

"You've heard about the fallout shelter? The one that could sustain thousands?"

"No." And I left it at that. I wasn't sure I wanted people knowing I had files of other people's memories.

"We've been through the chancellor's files, all the bunkers you considered for the hundred were listed as compromised or unviable. And now Mount Weather is too." Raven's tone was cynical her eyes narrowed at Jaha as he began again.

"Those were government bunkers." My bunker wasn't made to be shared, meaning I'd have a lot of work on my hands.

I placed a hand on my dagger as Jaha opened the Rover door and grabbed a device before pulling it out and handing it over to Clarke as he shut the door.

"A doomsday cult?" I stayed where I was next to Jaha as Raven and Bellamy leaned in to look at the screen.

"That's right— The Second Dawn." I hissed as I staggered backwards into the Rover, my head pounding as I caught my breath. I don't know that name. I remembered that name.

"Show me." I kept my voice level as I pushed off the Rover, my feet moving towards Clarke. I plucked the tech from her hand and stared at the screen. Scrolling as I read the text, my eyes catching and scanning the pictures as Jaha kept talking.

"Their whole theology was based on riding out the end of the world." I was able to recognize this text as something I had seen before, although I hadn't already. The heavy pounding in my head sounded like a war drum as I kept reading, unable to hear the conversation around me.

"Can I talk to you guys for a second." The three moved off to the side, my eyes still on the screen as they called my name.

"Persphyni. Pers!" My eyes kept scanning the text as I fought my headache.

"Persphyni." I jumped, nearly dropping the tech as Bellamy gently grabbed my arm. "Hey, it's okay. It's just me." His eyes scanned mine as I took soothing breaths in and out. "Are you okay."

I nodded, grabbing a sip of water before looking into his eyes.

"This is it. The Second Dawn bunker. This is what I saw." I whispered quietly so Jaha couldn't hear. I turned the screen so he could see what I had been staring at since I had finished the article.

"This symbol, I remember it." I sighed. Closing my eyes as I handed him the tech. "I sound like I'm losing my mind. I feel like I'm losing it."

"Hey, hey. You're not. I believe you." His words shot courage through me as I opened my eyes and steeled me face.

"Let's go hear what Raven wants to say." I didn't catch the small glance of disappointment as he nodded and followed me back over to where the girls had been watching our entire conversation. The two giving me raised eyebrows, especially Raven who had been around while Clarke was off in the woods.

"Okay, now that we're all here," Raven started, steeling her face as well once I gave her a small nod to show her I was fine, "can you please remind Clarke what happened the last time Jaha went looking for salvation?" Raven gave Bellamy and myself a look, clearly against Jaha taking the Rover and she thinks that we'd be in agreement with her.

"Raven if that bunker is real," I cut Bellamy off before he could say anything else.

"Raven. I've seen it." She looked incredulously at me. "I've seen that bunker with my own eyes. Ever since Alie, I've had memories that weren't mine locked away with mine." I took a deep breath in, remembering what I had told Bellamy earlier. "It started with my mother. The memory clearly my father's as Alie used it to play with my mind, make me doubt myself and question. Ever since I've had visions at night, memories that weren't mine replay while I slept. I couldn't control them, until two nights ago." Bellamy's eyes widened to match the other two as he heard the new information. "And now I think I can manipulate them to where they are like my own." I sighed, rolling my shoulders back and making eye contact with Raven.

"Look, I understand you probably don't believe me. But when I fought Alie, I must have accidentally hacked into her code and began to download from it. Which doesn't make any sense because I'm not a computer, but it had to have been through the Chip which sent the thoughts through my spinal cord to my brain. The Second Dawn Bunker is real. You have to believe that, and if you won't, then believe me. I don't know if Jaha knows where it is at for sure, but we have to try. I know it's here. I can feel it. I just don't know where."

"If we can find it, we can save more than a hundred people." Bellamy added trying to persuade Raven who seemed to be on a tipping point as she believed me but didn't want to accept it.

"And if you can't then we just lost another day." Raven argued back, but at this point I'm sure her and I both knew I would be heading out whether she permitted it or not.

"If we don't find it, then I'll make the list." I felt my fist clench at the thought of the list.

Signing people to death should be a specialty of mine. And it is, but knowing that there is another option, I can't put my soul into killing people just yet. I had to find this bunker or else the human race will die.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now