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"Persphyni!" The figure stayed slumped in the fountain as the rain slowed outside before disappearing all together. "No, damn it!"

The young girl ran over as the last bit of rain fell before passing over the City altogether. Her body jumping into the fountain as she knelt beside the figure cloaked in black and covered in blood.

"No. No. No. Persphyni, hey." Her hands lightly shook the passed out figure as a hand went and cupped a cold and wet cheek. The brunette's eyes not missing the tear stains that trailed down the pale face speckled with freckles.

"Please, no. I need you, Persphyni. You can't leave me like this!" The brunette shook the older girl with more vigor as tears began to well within her own eyes.

"Please." The younger girl whispered as she leaned down into the older's chest and rested her head down. "Come back. You're all I have left."


It was cold. Wet. But warm. My chest was warm as I felt a pressure around my upper body. Water surrounded me and more soaked in through my shirt.

"Come back. You're all I have left." My eyes slowly opened as I blinked and examined the scenario. My eyes softening as I saw Octavia's shoulders shake as she wrapped her arms around me tighter. My legs numb as wrinkles formed on my fingers and toes.

"That's not true." I spoke softly as I gently brought my hands up to wrap around the younger girl. "You have Indra. Bellamy. Monty. Harper. Miller. Clarke."

"Pers!" She pulled away to look at me in order to make sure she wasn't imagining anything.

"Hey, Via." She laughed as she brought me into a second hug.

"I thought you died. Again." I snorted as she punched me in the arm.

"I'm guessing that means we're going to bullshit our way through this conclave?"

"No one else is dying today." I watched Octavia pull her Sigil and Trishanakru's off and hand it to me. "They're yours. You're the real champion." I smiled and pushed them back to her.

"It's ours. We are the winners of this conclave." I spoke as I stood in the fountain. Water falling from my clothes. "And I am going to need a towel." I smiled as Octavia laughed and rolled her eyes before jumping out of the water. My body sluggishly following as I tried to regain feeling in my legs.

My legs wobbled as I collapsed onto the ground. My hands coming up to catch me as the blood rushed to the numb limbs.

"Octavia, I can't stand up." I placed my hands on the side of the fountain and tried again but it wasn't of any use. They were numb. Scarily numb. I forced the thought out of my head and controlled my breathing to avoid freaking out.

"What?" Octavia watched as I straightened out my legs and begun to roll up the cuffs of my cargo pants. "Oh. That's not good." I slowly glanced up from the skin and gave Octavia a blank stare.

"No shit." Octavia held back a laugh as I rolled my eyes. "Get me Roan's spear." She quickly did as I asked as I put my pant legs down. "No one can know about this, okay?" She nodded though I could see she wasn't 100 percent okay with it.

"I'll be fine." I had got some feeling back in my legs, enough to pull them underneath me as I grasped the spear in one hand and the fountain ledge with the other.

"Pers." I gave Octavia a pointed glare as I shakily stood up. My arms straining as I focused on waking my legs up.

"No one can know." I growled out the younger girl quickly nodding as she realized how serious I was being. "Look, I can stand up. And I'll be able to walk. I'm going to be okay. I'm going to be okay." I saw the wary look in her eye as I took a step forward. My words repeating as a way to coax my inner worrying thoughts.

Using the spear I was able to smoothly limp around. I could feel the stinging of my flesh and the racing of my blood as I moved my legs. The small knick on my thigh didn't hurt as much as the rest of my leg. Every once in a while I had a small stutter step that would send my knees wobbling as I supported myself on the staff that had previously been a weapon to my enemy. Once I had completed a small lap around the fountain I turned to face the younger girl. A smirk on my face as I held back the pain I could feel on the burned flesh.

"Now. Let's go save the human race."


You may be wondering, why?

Well to answer the first part of why, the acid rain contaminated the water with just enough to cause numbing and burns but not too much I was in a constant state of pain.

To answer the next why.

She already made up her mind that she was going to die, why is she not killing herself so Octavia could win the Conclave.

Well here's the thing. If you haven't realized, humans are naturally selfish creatures. And being that I woke up again instead of dying, I'm going to selfishly hold on just a little longer. Just enough to make sure my people are safe in that bunker.

What happens if they don't except having two winners of the Conclave.

That one is easy. I'll kill them. If me, turning into a murderer secures the safety of my people, then I will kill. Without even batting an eye. Not like it would be new.

I haven't changed that much after all. Killing still runs in my veins, this alter ego complex of needing blood is still there.

I could try and try and try, but being the villain is what I keep coming back to. At the beginning of the world and at the end, death and life blend until they are one in the same.

So I am the Bringer of Death. But I am also the Savior of Life.

I think this term is "god-like" complex. And I can feel it surging inside of me as Octavia and I walk up to the Tower.

So, to answer why.

Because I can.

And besides it's the end of the world, who gives a damn anyway.


"You ready?" I held the sigils in my hand that clasped the spear as my other reached up towards the door.

"I don-"

"Okay, good." I didn't give her a chance to second guess as I opened the heavy wooden doors. My feet slowly but confidently walking as Octavia followed behind me. Our heads high as we strode into the room.

A smirk on my face as I heard the whispers begin as we approached Gaia. Her eyes widening as she saw the two of us approach her.

"All fourteen sigils," I spoke confidently as I rested my weight subtly on Roan's spear, Octavia tossing hers down beside mine, "the Conclave is over."

"Wanlida kom Riskiwe Natshanakru and Octavia kom Skaikru are victorious." Gaia's voice was surprised as she eyed the two of us, not entirely sure if this was allowed.

"This is absurd. There can only be one winner!" I smirked and shot Octavia a wink.


Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now