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I got delayed as I watched the funeral procession from Erebus's back. My black cloak pulled over my head as my weapons were tightened securely around me over my black cargo pants and short sleeve black shirt. My sword across my back, my gun on my right thigh, my hunting knife on my left forearm, both silver cuffs around my wrists, and one of two daggers in their sheaths around my belt.

My hair was in a tight high pony that I had quickly scrapped together before tacking Erebus for our journey. Only when I had begun to leave, I was stopped by the gathered crowd as they sent away our dead. Erebus and I slowly edging along the outskirts of the group as we began to make our way towards the gate.

"May we meet again." My eyes caught sight of Jaha as he rose his torch towards the bodies.

"May we meet again." The call was echoed as he lit the pile.

I watched as the flames licked up the canvas covered bodies. The orange light covering them like a blanket as it turned them into ash. Bringing them back to what they once were. Nothing more than a speck.

"Jasper!" I turned my head as I heard a gruff male voice shout the name of someone whom I haven't seen in a long time. I maneuvered around the rest of the crowd before coming up upon the two. Erebus and I slowly trotting towards them.

"Jasper, it's not safe out there." I sighed as I kicked Erebus to a faster pace as I went to block Jasper from leaving.

"What else is new?" I rolled my eyes at Jasper's comment, Erebus and I taking that time to get in front of him as he turned back around and stopped momentarily.

"Your lack of will to fight." I snapped, my tone was harsher than when he had first begun to give up. I was fine trying to help him through the pain I had caused, but this new found joy in making fun of us trying to save the human race— I was over it. And seeing that cocky smirk reappear on his face made me want to knock him out and throw him in the woods. Ironically, not a better option if I wanted to keep him alive.

"Ahh, Atlys. Wait, I meant The Great Persphyni. Or was it Wanlida? No! The White Wolf! That's a new one. Soon to be Savior of All, Again. Or not." I felt my left fist clench as he ruffled my feathers. The stress of saving the human race and this asshat firing me up as he simply laughed at my efforts like a joke was enough to make me feel like exploding.

"How about you just go back to your room and drink your problems away? I think we still have a collection of Black Rain water in a disposal bin." I glared staring straight into his eyes as I saw his eyes flash with pain before they went blank.

Shit. I tightened my jaw and shut my eyes. What the hell did I just say to him?

"Jasper, wait." His face blanked before he began to walk around me. "Shit. Jasper, I'm sorry." He just kept walking towards the gate, unlocking and throwing it open as he continued outside of the wall.

"Jasper!" He spun around a half smile on his face as he stared with a cocky mask to cover his sorrow behind his eyes.

"I heard you the first time. Don't worry, I'll be out of your hair soon enough." He shot me finger guns before continuing to walk back towards the forest.

"What the hell did I just say to him? An emotionally unstable and reckless teen?" I whispered as I felt Bellamy approached me, his hand coming up to grasp my knee.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." Our eyes met and he gave me a small smile. "Now you go find that bunker. I'll go with him." He sighed as he gave my knee a squeeze. "But Pers, you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved." We both turned to watch the teen as he spun around arms wide open as he looked back at us.

"Come on, we're losing daylight." Jasper's voice called as he started to turn back around, his feet heavy on the ground as he walked with a small spring.

"And Jasper, well, I don't think he wants to be saved." I squeezed his hand that was on my knee as I agreed with his words.

"I think you might be right. But I can't help but want to try. He's part of the 100, Bell. He was in the Mountain, he fought beside me like a leader would. And now, now he's broken," I watched the skinny teen walk away, head high and arms out, embracing the end of the world. "He's broken because of me."


I took the longer way round to leave Erebus at the empty stables and began my hike into the city, alone to not draw attention. The smell of rotting corpses and smoke from fire filled the slowly darkening night sky. It had taken me only a few hours to get to Polis, but navigating to the stables quietly and avoiding the several clans that occupied various areas of the city took far longer than necessary.

With Erebus up, I moved much quicker on my own two feet as I weaved in out of the shadows. Silent and swiftly, I made my way towards the capital building. Dodging various clans such as Azgeda and Trikru who stood claim over two potential spots the bunker could be hidden underneath.

Once I reached the building, I closed my eyes to remember the way I had faced it in my dream. My eyes opening as I began to adjust my body as I set my back towards the position I needed to move towards. Once the building looked the same as in the vision, only much closer, I turned in a 180 degree angle. My right toe behind my left heel as I pivoted on the two portions of my feet.

And of course, no shock to me, the various buildings that lay in this direction were too close together to cross off any. The only thing I could do now was trust my gut and hope I can gauge distance well. And of course hope I get it right the first time through logical process of elimination verses physically eliminating each one with a thorough check through.

The one thing I had going for me was this direction houses the Fleimkepa's religious room which had a tunnel leading to it. Both of which were gut instincts I had before I even made it here. And now that I was standing here, the logic was even stronger.

So without hesitation, I began my journey down to the basement of the capital building. Only instead of going towards the prison cells, I turned towards a small room at the end of the hall and began my descent into the tunnel system.

"Thank you Lexa for trusting me with this knowledge." The sound was a whisper but the words were powerful as the memory of Lexa teaching me the tunnel layouts flowed through my mind. My feet on autopilot as I weaved in and out of corridors. Only slowing down once I approached a wooden door with the infinity symbol burned onto it.

Cadogen, here I come.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu