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I heard grunting coming from the building the arrow that killed Sangedakru had flown from. My eyes scanning the area before sheathing my daggers and moving towards the back of the building and climbing along the wall.

It seemed I wasn't the only one who decided to intervene as I clung to the window seal out of sight listening to Roan scold the two others inside.

"You're lucky I wasn't a scout." I dug my foot into a crack in the wall before lifting myself inside the room and hid behind the curtain.

"I came to stop her." I calmed my breathing as I waited for the reply.

"Explain yourself."

"I was only trying to help save our people." I clenched my fist around my dagger as I listened to Echo.

"I am not my mother. I'm not willing to cast aside honor for power." King, I hope you kill her.

"No one has to know."

"You misunderstand. I will not allow your dishonor to give Luna an advantage." He had a point, with less people to kill then Luna can save her energy for the big fights. "And you will not shame our clan ever again." He's going to do it, right to the heart Roan.

"You are Azgeda no more."

"Sire, wait." He interrupted her.

"You're banished, Echo. And when I win this conclave—" I snorted forgetting I was hiding and widened my eyes as I begun to get ready to fight if I had to. "Make no mistake, there will be no place for you inside that bunker. Now get out of my sight and off this battlefield without being seen, or know that you are the cause of the death of our people."

I nearly jumped for joy as I heard her footsteps walk away. Good riddance. Now, I just had to make sure my Dumbass makes it out alive as well.

"If you're gonna kill me, get it over with." I nearly ripped the curtains back as I cautiously watched the two figures through the cloth.

"I take it by your presence here that your sister's still alive." I pulled a throwing knife from my sheath, my fifth one and twirled it around as I kept a watchful eye on Roan's sword.

"That's right."

"If I call for a scout, she'll be executed right now." My fist clenched as he threatened Bellamy and Octavia right in front of me. "But what fun would that be. You really think she can win, don't you."

"I wouldn't count her out if I were you." I smiled as Bellamy backed his sister up. "She's survive harder things than this."

"Before she dies, I'll tell her she's lucky to have you as a brother." My extra hand drifted to my mouth as I heard Bellamy's sweet reply.

"I got a better idea, after she guts you and before you die, you tell her I was the lucky one." Oh shit. I placed a hand under my eye as I felt it get wet. This can't be happening.

I brought my cloak up to soak the water in my eyes as I nearly laughed at myself. What was this man doing to me?

"And what of Persphyni, I saw you on the balcony last night."

"Persphyni is brave and intelligent, she knows what she's doing. And I love her for that." My eyes widened at his words. He's just using it casually right? Right? "When it's just her and Octavia left, she'll get to finally rest. It's what she's wanted for a long time now. And I wouldn't be her chance if I didn't accept her wishes. No matter if I want to keep her locked away, far from harms reach."

"So she dies? That's her big plan?" I saw Roan calculating as he stared Bellamy down.

"Eventually, yes. But isn't that everyone's big plan?" He just went philosophical. My heart. Literally.

"I got to get out of here." I mumbled to myself so I didn't stay there any longer or else I may lose my nerve and tackle Bellamy in a hug letting him know I'm sorry and won't go through with this. But I had to do this, for him. For them.


I brought my sword up to block the female's as I kicked her away. Our metal clanks pierced through the night as her loud grunts of pain alerted anyone who was near. Perfect.

"I'm sorry I didn't finish this quickly." I spoke punching her across the face before stabbing a throwing knife into her shoulder.

"I needed a discreet signal." I yanked her sigil from her neck before kicking her away giving her enough time to stand up while I put the necklace on.

"You haven't killed me yet." She spat blood as she ran at me.

"No. But I will now." I side stepped her swing and plunged my sword into her side as she continued to fall downwards. Her breath leaving her as her one sword clattered to the ground.

"And then there were four." I heard footsteps before the spear came flying towards me from behind. Carefully, I ducked and rolled beneath the projectile making sure my crown remained on top of my head.

I stood on my feet, spinning to watch the unruly curly haired Natblida stalk towards me. A smirk on both of our lips as I made my way towards her as well after grabbing her spear.

"You dropped something." I tossed her weapon towards her as I spun my sword around on my finger tips, my free hand grabbing a dagger as we began to circle around one another.

"It was a good ploy. How long did you torment her." I bared my teeth in a malicious grin.

"Only long enough for the rest of you to come crawling like vultures to a carcass." I braced my sword on my arm as I held my dagger at the ready.

"Would you like to get this over with now?" I asked the sounds of running footsteps approaching "or should we see if they'd like to join?"

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now