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"Go get Clarke." I directed to Bellamy as I dismounted and saw Raven sauntering towards us. "Meet us in Raven's Den." He dismounted and did as I asked without question. Passing Raven with a nod, he left to go find Clarke.

"What did you find out?" We began walking toward the Hangar bay to put Erebus up.

"A lot. And where did you two go? I see you got another two boars, that's not usual." I rolled my eyes as we walked into the metal of the ship.

"The woods are drying up right before my eyes. It's only a matter of time before they're completely plants. When that comes, I hope I gathered enough food." Raven walked with me as we stopped and I untacked Erebus and gave him some water and set out a square of hay.

"The when is a matter of days now." I gave Erebus a loving pat before turning to face the mechanic.

"Show me."


"Luna's rig is here, and if the fish in these waters are dying, well basically we're screwed." Raven's finger dropped from the monitor as I watched with crossed arms.

"I don't understand. Alie said we had six months."

"We don't." I closed my eyes and turned away from the monitor, my hands gripping the wall as I took in Raven's information.

"Well, then how long do we have?"

"It's hard to say. Radiation is dispersed by jets and carried by ocean currents, so it's not an exact science, but the leading indicators are small species die-offs," I turned, surprised at the intelligence spilling from the girl's mouth, "fish, insects. Based on the new data, I'd say we have..." she paused, my throat tight as I clenched my fists my moment of surprise gone as I waited her answer.

"Two months of survivability. Maybe less."

"The Ark won't be ready." Bellamy was right. This place won't hold.

"It'll be close. If we triple the man hours and work around the clock, we should be able to achieve a hard seal before the black rain comes."

A flash of light crossed my eyes, quick enough for me to blink it away, but long enough for me to lose my sense of gravity and fall backwards into the wall.

"Clarke, we are running out of time." I ignored the ongoing conversation as I steady myself against the wall. My breathing heavy as I focused on seeing the image again.

My gut told me I had to find that image again. It was a memory, and it wasn't mine, but it was important. I concentrated hard. Raven and Clarke's words began to fade into the background as I finally found what I was looking for.

There was a circle, a cement pit with railing that spiraled upward along a ramp. Sets of soft light shone, brightening the room as I spun around. The ceiling was high, and looked heavily reinforced. The walls seemed to be impenetrable, and there. Right in the center of it all, was symbol. It felt familiar yet alien to me as I stared at it. My feet walking towards it, and just as I reached up to touch the metal, the memory drifted away.

My knees hit the ground as I held onto the wall. My breathing uneven as I gulped oxygen back into my lungs. The moment taking my breath away.

"Persphyni!" I placed a hand in the air to silence them, my head pounding as I yanked out my flask and took a long sip of water. Wiping my mouth with my long shirt sleeve before slowly rising.

"Wha-" I cut Clarke off with a look, my eyes trailing to Bellamy knowing he'd be the only one to know what had just happened.

"You said it only happe-" he shook his head in disbelief as he drew closer.

"Clearly, it doesn't." My voice was quiet but sure as I steadied myself.

"What doesn't? Pers? What's happening?" I looked over to Clarke and Raven, the two equally concerned.

"I know how to save us." I turned my gaze towards Bellamy. "All of us." Just as I went to explain, the sound of the Rover starting cut me off.

"It's late in the day? Who's scheduled to take the Rover?" I asked, turning my head in the direction.

"No one, but I'm about to find out." Raven moved passed us and led the way outside to where the Rover was started.

"Hey, are you okay?" I nodded my head firmly in his direction, my face stoic as I turned to face where the two girls went.

"I didn't tell you what happened inside the City, but somehow when I broke from Alie's control I hacked into her database. I already told you I was getting random dreams, but it's more than that." I turned back towards him, his body leaned forward eagerly listening. "They're memories, somehow they crossed the barrier and now I'm seeing things and able to access things that were never mine. The bunker, it wasn't from anyone that was alive, but somehow they were in the City."

"But how is that even possible? How do you know?" I stared into his brown eyes, showing him with my own as I whispered.

"I felt it." He looked skeptical but nodded none the less.

"We can talk later. We have a Rover situation to handle." I agreed with his words and the two of us jogged to reach Raven and Clarke.

The two women just barely reaching the Rover as we exited Alpha station. Raven's fury shown on her face as she ripped the door open exposing the man responsible for the attempted theft.

"Jaha?" Bellamy and I stopped just behind the other two as Raven prepared to rip him a new one.

"I need to make a run." His voice was low, a whisper as if he was telling a secret.

"All supply runs go through me." I studied his face, there was something he wasn't telling us. Something that gave him hope.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now