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As I fell backwards, my feet no longer finding solid ground, I felt a hand reach out and grab my left arm. My eyes rolling to the back of my head as I grasped the edge of the cliff with my right hand. My entire left side in pain as I breathed heavily trying to hold myself up.

I looked up and stared into eyes I have grown to love. The Blake eyes, Octavia's, Bellamy's. I felt a smile cross my face as I stared up at the young girl.

"Be brave, Via." I whispered as my hand slowly slipped down her arm. Her body falling more off the cliff as she struggled to hold me up. I saw the tears well in her eyes as she shook her head in defiance. "Protect them, protect yourself."

"No. No! You're not leaving me. I'm getting you up here!" She yelled into the wind, her grip tightening but she wasn't going to be able to hold me up and keep herself on the cliff.

"Ai gonplei ste odon." I whispered softly, pain pulling at my face as I gave her arm a weak squeeze. I couldn't last. "Goodbye, Octavia Blake."

"NO!" She tried to reach for me, but I let go of her arm and began to fall before she could grab me. Her shouts echoed as I fell. Weightlessness surrounded me as my eyes fluttered opened and closed.

My body leading the charge downward as my arms flew up and gravity pulled.

Down, down, down.

My eyes scanned the cliff as the brunette's head blurred and I could only see the blue sky. My hair whipped around me as I moved my arms.

My eyes closed as I opened my arms wide, a small smile on my lips as I waited for the cool embrace of the water below.

Down, down, down.

I kept falling, the wind whipping around and tugging on me as I began to lose consciousness as blood continued to pour from me. My dues being paid one last time.

My left shoulder was bleeding, my left side was torn open, and my right thigh had a small hole from the arrow. My brain had begun to shut down as my heart worked on overdrive to try to keep me awake.

But I knew it was over.

I knew, this would be the last time I took a breath.

"I guess I floated after all." I whispered to the wind as I closed my eyes one last time, missing the figure dive over the edge of the cliff above me. The sound of rushing water closer as I waited for the impending cold.

Down, down, down.

"May we meet again." The cold water consumed me as the rushing river swallowed me whole. Darkness crashed into me as I was swept underneath.

Down, down, down.

All the way to whatever came next. I saw images flash across my mind as my brain shut itself off. One final thought raced through my head as I welcomed Death with open arms.

Remember me.

Down, down, down. My body sunk deeper as the cold froze my bones. Locking me in an eternal coffin.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now