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I kept Erebus moving as we galloped through the city. The morning light upon us as grounders bustled around stopping to watch us pass and staring as we ran by.


"The White Wolf."

The names both in Trig and English travelled through the air as I passed. My head held high as I kept a blank face, the hood of my cloak resting on my neck as the wind had pulled it back throughout the ride. My weapons glinting and glimmering as I rode with lethal accuracy towards the capital building. Erebus's thundering steps silenced the whispers until we passed before they rose up once again. The sounds joining together like a cloud and raising into the air.

"Wanlida." The young boy bowed as I pulled Erebus into a walk before stopping him all together.

"Teik em in." I ordered as I swiftly dismounted, passing my reins to the stable hand and sending him a discreet thankful smile. The young boy already knowing what to do as he gave a nod before quickly disappearing leaving me to stand alone at the foot of the large building.

"Skairipa raun dei treide." I turned to face the familiar voice with a smirk on my lips.

"Mochof, Indra." The older woman just gave me a nod, clearly stressed as she proceeded passed me and up the steps. My eyes staring curiously down at the direction she pointed me in. The question of what the hell has happened in the past few days is the only thing I can think as I examine the destruction the city has gone through.

If this continues, Polis will be no more.


With my cloak hood on, I confidently strode down the street as I quickly weaved my way towards the Trikru Embassy. My jaw clenched as I avoided running into people especially those who stopped to stare at me ending up directly in my path. If I wasn't in a hurry nor wanting to maintain a somewhat peaceful image at the moment, I'd make them move out of my way.

I guess now I'm used to deliberately being stared at like some mighty being compared to just watched from above in an arena of blood.

Oh how the times have changed.

I reached the door in no time, my eyes piercing through the two guards at the door who quickly let me inside, never giving a second to hesitate as they saw my outfit and already knew they would be better off stepping aside. The next two guards were no issue either as I set my hands on the smaller sized doors and forced them open. Their hinges groaning as I swung them with enough force to send papers in the room flying as a man was knocked from his chair in shock. The doors both slamming against the wall as I stole everyone's attention from their tables. Silence deafened the room as I could hear the sound of their frightened heartbeats.

"Ai komba raun," I smirked wickedly my hands still stretched out from when I pushed open the doors. They looked at one another then back to me, their eyes showed a hint of fear mixed with solace.

With a few nods, I carried myself over to Octavia and my father, the two surprised at my visit yet full of annoyance and anger. Though not at me. Clearly something had happened— somethings more like. I wasn't too sure if I was going to want to hear them all, but I figured it would be the only way to understand.

"Start at the beginning," I ordered, pulling out a chair to sit as I stared at the two Skaikru members, "and don't leave anything out."


"It doesn't matter if Lincoln taught her how to be a warrior or not." I felt the start of grey hairs as the two bickered in front of me again. They had clearly two different sides to the story.

"It's happened. There is nothing we can do to change it. What we can do is make decisions together now and understand the different sides and consequences before action." I paused, rubbing my temples as I took a steady breath in. The doors swinging open as a newcomer joined the room.

"Chit Azgeda dula raun?" I kept my head facing forward but my eye caught the large Ice Nation guard walking towards us.

"Chancellor Kane, the King would like to see you. Wanlida, the King sends his welcomes and assures he will be with you momentarily." I roll my eyes at the man's words. But nonetheless it would allow me to get settled in for the next two days. Though I would need to grab Erebus from the stables as I left my bag on his saddle.

"You're no longer part of my security detail." I pinched the bridge of my nose as I stayed sitting as the two stood. "I had Helios saddled for you. The ride home will do you good." I leaned back in my chair as I kept a close eye on the two. Anger rising as I realized that we were slowly tearing ourselves apart from the inside. Furthermore, Octavia was no longer slowly descending into darkness. She had slipped and was falling fast.

"I'm not going anywhere before I talk to Indra."

"Suit yourself. She'll be here soon enough." My father nodded his chin towards the Ice Nation guard, "After you." I felt his hand gently squeeze my shoulder as he passed before dropping something in my lap discreetly as he left. Perfect.

I waited until the guard had shut the door before before pocketing the walkie and standing up.

"Come on, Via. Let's go find Indra." I pulled my cloak hood up before walking passed the girl, her footsteps light but still heavier than mine as she followed me. Her breath raged as she tried to control her beast.

"I never told you what happened to me up on the Ark, at least not the full story. My life had very little happy moments, most came from my books, but the majority of my life was spent as a puppet. Even my own thoughts were rarely my own." I finally spoke up as we headed out on the street. "To let anger and hate consume you, you give up control. Once you loose control, once you go too deep— you have to fight through hell to even remotely get back in charge of your own self will." I grabbed Octavia and pinned her with a dagger to the wall in an alley, startling her. "I can't tell you what to do, nor what to think. I can't tell you who to be or who not to be. I can only tell you this, this life— this darkness will devour your soul. Then seep into your bones to make you worse than a monster." I release her from my hold before sheathing my dagger.

"It's a constant war, one battle after another. And the only thing you can do is fight and hope you win. You shouldn't worry though, I refuse to ever let anyone get as bad as me." I called over my shoulder to the girl, knowing I got a confused look from her as she went to catch up.

It was bad because I still craved it. All of it. The power, the blades, the blood. If I could grow up differently, with my mom and dad— I wouldn't. I wouldn't because I don't want to doom someone else to my fate.

To my destruction.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now