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"One last run, Erebus." I spoke as I used the fence to sit on Erebus's back. The saddle left behind as I chose to ride bareback to get out faster. Erebus whinnied in response as I then spread the map along his back just in front of me and grabbed the slip-reins, that sat around his nose, in my right hand.

"Let's go get our people back." I gave one small kick with my feet and we were off. I kept my breathing low as I saved the oxygen in my tank the best I could. I worried for Erebus and kept a close eye on his breathing and his heart. His lungs would expand against my legs as his heart pulsed blood to his neck where I kept a hand to catch any irregularities. My body moved with his as he galloped in beautiful rhythm. A smile crossing my face as he looked in decent health, if anything it was almost perfect shape.

All that matter was him being okay. And as we flew through the forest racing against time and the setting sun, things were almost perfect.


I watched the sun set fully and knew we were running out of time. And Erebus was running out of energy. We'd been running for roughly four hours, having to break in between for Erebus to walk alongside me. We were eight hours from Alie's island, leaving no room to stop moving. Not if I wanted to make it to them.

We had eleven hours before the wave, so if they got to Raven and headed back on time, we should meet halfway. As long as I was going down the right path. Just because I was walking in the correct direction didn't mean I was following the same trail. Meaning we could cross paths and well, I'd be still going towards the island.


I dropped the negative thoughts and walked Erebus over to a tree stump where I elegantly hopped up and landed gently on his back. My bag clanked against my back as the sigils danced on my chest. I had forgotten to take them off and place them in my back. With the radiation it was too risky to even attempt to reach them. So I left them be. Not that they bothered me anyways. They were a nice reminder of what could have been and what will be.

"Come on, Erebus." I gave a gentle kick and we were off. White snow flying in the air as we raced through the forest. The dark sky did well to dampen my sight, but I was still able to see the large vehicle crashed into a tree. Not to mention the fresh tire tracks. They were in the Rover, I kept Erebus going straight as I turned my head and examined the large supply truck until it vanished from my view.

"They were just here." I informed as I glanced down at the map thankful for the small light in my helmet. "We can make it. You can make it." I told Erebus. The black stallion not answering as he continued to gallop forward. Obviously he wouldn't answer, he's a horse.

My excitement rose as I could see the tire tracks continuing, my emotion rubbing off on Erebus as he sped up a little more.

"Fly, Erebus. Fly!" I let out a loud tribal call as Erebus found a new burst of energy. If I could reach them before they got too far from me, then I could let Erebus go. I could let him be free for the last hours of the earth we know.

My hope for freedom was gone and covered by the desire to get my people back safely. I'd still get to say goodbye to the stars, but still I needed to get them inside that bunker before a fiery death wave occurs.

I'm on my way.


"You can sleep when you're dead." I groaned as Erebus and I continued to walk. My speech slurred as darkness surrounded us. The sun has yet to rise and we were maybe another two hours in to the journey with no progress in catching them what so ever. The radioactive ash had begun to fall on the snow covering up the tire tracks I had been following. Every step was heavy as I continued to march forward. If I stopped, I would struggle to keep going.

"Nine hours before the wave. Nine hours to get them back. This wasn't going to work. Shit." My positive thoughts had vanished as practicality invaded my mind. Erebus' breathing heavy but steady as we continue down the path.

"100 teens sent to the ground, 100 teens on the ground. Shoot one down, bury 'em in the ground. 99 teens still on the ground." I jumped over the fallen log and continued down the path beside Erebus. "99 teens still on the ground, 99 teens on the ground. Shoot one down, bury 'em in the ground. 98 teens still on the ground."

I ignored Erebus' side glare as we continued walking in the dark. My voice quiet as I grumbled to myself.


"13 teens still on the ground, 13 teens on the ground. Shoot one down, bury 'em in the ground. 12 teens still on the ground." Erebus shoved me with his shoulder as we walked telling me he was annoyed as he shot me a side glare. Clearly he wasn't as amused with my chant as I was.

"Do you have a better idea? I'm about to fall asleep!" I leaned forward waiting to hear a brilliant idea come from the horse's mouth. Only to realize I was the brilliant one and continued to walk.

"Okay. Let's go." I led him over to a large pile of rock and carefully scaled to the top before mounting once again. The reins in one hand as my map lay in the other. "Let's try to get over halfway left." Erebus threw his head back as an answer. His unconventional nod gave me the go ahead as I started him into a trot which proceeded to a gallop.

Run here. Run there. Persphyni just run everywhere. This entire handful of months after Alie and the City of Light, I have been going and doing something somewhere constantly. There wasn't a moment I had any true time to relax. But maybe that wasn't a bad thing.

It distracted me from whatever would have been priority if Praimfaya hadn't risen again.

Probably the new memories I just accepted as my new reality. Letting them share a cabinet in my mind. Or maybe the future. Where would we be now?

Probably fighting a war with Azgeda. Or maybe I would be living in the drop ship. That would have been first choice for living independently.

Maybe I would have grown some lemon trees or flowers. Had some wild pigs as live stock, built a proper barn for Erebus and found him a companion.

The could have been would have been nice. But it's just a dream. A hope. A desire. A never could be. Just like that little red headed, brown eyed, freckled young girl I had seen.

The could never be. Now definitely would never be.

Persphyni : I am Destruction حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن