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The rain thumped against the Rover outside. The storm noise competing with the whirling of our engine as we drove through the trees. Silently, we both focused on the surroundings we could see with the brightest setting of light, but even that wasn't enough when fighting the clumped rain.

"Mark, come in. Coming up on factory station. Almost to you. Over." My voice was soft but firm as I spoke into the walkie, afraid if I talked too loud I'd distract Bellamy. Though I didn't have to worry about that as the radio silence that followed was enough to draw his attention. "Guys, do you read me? Mark?"

"Keep talking, they might just be out of range momentarily." I nodded, pulling the walkie back up to my lips.

"Hey, we're going to need a little help navigating. After the wreckage we aren't going to know exactly where you are." I spared Bellamy a glance as he mumbled under his breath, his hand clutching the wheel as he pleaded for a return on the walkie.

"Yeah, I'm here." I released a small breath of relief as Mark's voice trickled through. "We're northwest of the salvage area. About 15 degrees. Just follow the— Peter!" I heard Peter cry out to his father before I brought the walkie back up.

"What's happening? Are you okay?" I clenched my fist around the walkie tightly as I felt Bellamy speed up.

"Peter, get below me. Persphyni!"

"Mark, what's going on? Talk to us, we're almost there." I remained calm though I was running through various scenarios in my own head.

"Bellamy, pull off the gas a little. You can't see very far ahead of you, if you hit mud we'll get stuck. If you hit anything— we can't save them." I made sure the walkie was far away from my lap even though I wasn't holding the button down to communicate.

I felt Bellamy listen to me as the Rover dropped speed by a small fraction but it was enough for me to feel better.

"The wind shifted. The rain is blowing in." Shit.

"You have to find cover. Anything." I leaned forward slightly in my seat as I waited with the knowledge there most likely wasn't anything there to cover up with.

"There's nothing here. Look, I'm blocking it from Peter the best I can. Just hurry. Please!" There it was again. The desperate cry of a parent trying to protect their child. Their child who was slowly dying in front of them.

"We'll be coming from the south. Look for our headlights, we'll be there so-" my words were cut off as the Rover jerked to the side. The lightening flash had blinded Bellamy as he yanked the wheel sending us off course.

"Bellamy!" I shouted, my hand dropping the walkie as I reached to gain control of the wheel as we spun out. His foot stepping on the break bringing us to a hard stop.

"Are you okay?" I asked my hand leaving the wheel as I watched Bellamy stare out the windshield. "Hey, breathe. Come on. We got to go. If you need I can drive the rest of the way." He shook his head, moving the shifter to reverse before stepping on the accelerator.

I watched him carefully as his foot slammed on the petal, letting up then stomping back down.

"Damn it!" He threw it into drive and tried to go forward. His grunt of aggravation following as our wheels spun further into the mud. We were stuck.

"Hey." My voice was soft as he continued to jerk the car, only succeeding in getting our wheels wedge in deeper.

"No. No!" I took a deep breath as I stared at his face.

"Bell." I spoke firmly, my hand stopping his from grabbing the shifter again. "Stop."

"I don't see lights. Persphyni, where are you?" I took a deep breath and straightened my back out. I rolled my shoulders back as I picked my head high and wore a blank mask. Calmly, I picked the walkie up and brought it once again to my mouth.

"We ran into some mud. We're working on it, just hold on." I kept my voice strong as I replied into the walkie. My voice threatening to break as the panicked and pained screams came from the other side.

"We can't wait! How long?" I heard Peter in the background as Mark grunted through his words.

"Persphyni, what happened. Talk to me." I grabbed the private walkie from the dash and switched it out.

"We're stuck in the mud. We have the winch and I can help get it out." I informed, already preparing to move.

"Negative. You have no suit and I can hear the rain over the radio."

"No. Bellamy didn't have the suit. My suit was fine. Remember, I wasn't harmed." I remained unaffected as Bellamy gave me a shocked look.

"I- fine. If that suit held up-"

"Pers, what are you doing? You know your suit isn't working." I gave Bellamy a glare to shut him up but it only spurred him on.

He ripped the walkie from my hand, bringing it to his lips as I tried to stop him.

"Kane, she's lying. The rain soaked through—"

"Blake!" I growled as I tried to grasp the walkie only for him to put a hand up and succeed in keeping me out of arms reach.

"Both of you stop." The two of us froze on instinct before I slumped back in my seat, the two of us relaxing as my father continued. "Just wait until the storm passes, please."

Bellamy went to respond when the sound of Peter's coughing filled the Rover, Mark's voice following.

"Persphyni! Bellamy! Peter needs help, now! He can't breathe." I looked down at the walkie in my hand, my collected facade slipping as I looked back up to face Bellamy. A decision hanging above our heads.

"If either of you go out there, four people die instead of two. You're out of options. Bellamy." My jaw clenched as I shook my head side to side. I had no control over this. Bellamy wouldn't let me leave this Rover. No matter how much we wanted to save our people.

"It's time to let go." I felt the anger build inside of me as a scream threatened to escape. I had no control. I barely had control of myself.

"You said you'd be here. Where the hell are you." I swallowed down my scream as I brought the walkie to my lips, eyes closing as I breathed.

"Mark, Peter, we can't get out."

"What, no. We'll come to you. Please, I can carry him."

"No. It's too far. You won't make it here. I know you won't make it there either. Fuck." I hissed as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"My son is dying! He's dying right now! You said that you would help us." I heard the sob that ripped from Mark's throat. I could only see him cradle Peter as he tried to comfort him. But there was no way to stop this, just like with Atom.

I took a deep breath in, the hundredth of the night as I closed my eyes and tried to find the words. My mind grew blank before it didn't anymore.

"We never say goodbye
I'll see you on this side
Or the other way
The desert sun kisses the sky" My voice was soft as I went into my own world, blocking out the stare I could feel on the side of my head.

"Baby hold the light
And keep it in your eyes
And promise that you dream with me. Beyond the walls of time
And when we laid aside
Just look up at the light." I felt heat flare behind my closed lids as I finished.

"Just let me hold the light. Just let me hold the light." I felt the water build before beginning to spill over.

"I'm so sorry." It was a whisper but I knew Mark and Peter had heard it. As did everyone else who was listening inside the Ark.

As I felt the tear make it's way down my face, I knew this wouldn't be the last time I was utterly helpless.

And I didn't know what to do with that.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now