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I leaped over the railing, landing lightly on my toes with my daggers drawn. My red hair swished as I fell, the perfect beacon as I released my two daggers into the curious grounders. By the time their bodies fell, I was already ripping out my daggers and spinning to dodge the hatchet that just nearly took my arm off.

My adrenaline spiked as I squared up and saw the big grounder who had a new axe in his hands and was barreling towards me. Several more grounders came to check out the noise and joined in the fight as I slid beneath the axe swing and took out the giant's Achilles' tendons. His knees slammed into the metal as his body thudded, blood gushed from the wound as I locked daggers with another grounder.

My two daggers against his sword as I caught his swing and used my upward momentum to send him staggering backwards, clearing enough space for me to turn and fire my dagger straight into the throat of an archer. My other dagger lodged into the heart of another large axe wielder. The two grounds fell alongside their brethren.

I drew my sword as I circled the sword wielder, his eyes angry as he charged. His blade swinging with fury and skill. I blocked and dodged, remembering what Lincoln had taught me.

Azgeda fights with skill, but they lack self control. Tire them out. Catch them when they make their mistakes, and use it against them.

I connected out swords and twisted, successfully disarming the grounder then sidestepping as I watched his hand fly towards me.

Always be ready for the second attack. They fight dirty, as long as they win, they don't care.

I kicked him in the knee, buckling his leg and giving me just enough time to send a direct blow to his head. His face whipping to the side as I brought my sword down quickly, catching the now dead grounder off guard.

When you fight Azgeda, you have to get them down quickly, or else they'll find a second wind. One mistake, and you take them down. You can't afford to miss your opportunity.

Now, again.

I stood above the six dead bodies and let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. My clothes bloodied and sweaty as I made my way over to grab my daggers and wipe them along my pant leg before sheathing them.

"Thank you, Lincoln." My whisper was followed by a large explosion that rocked the ship. "And thank you, hydrazine."

I reached the hole, sword in hand, just as the chief began to make his way over. His battle axe out and ready as he neared my family.

I didn't give a second thought as I sprinted and threw my body in between the chief and Bellamy. My hands grasped the axe just below its head as the clatter of my sword rang throughout the silent ship. Everyone holding their breath as our arms strained against the other.

"Branwoda. Ai na frag yu op, Wanlida." The chief hissed as he applied more force down causing me to bend my knee slightly as I pushed against him. I took a deep breath in and stared into his eyes, my own green orbs burning with an untamed fire.

"The only one dying here, is you." I growled, my hands twisting the axe from his strong grasp as I delivered a below the belt kick.

The chief dropped to his knees and groaned which was all I needed. His head was bowed slightly as he tried to regain his strength, but I had already begun to swing the axe downwards when a body shoved me out of the way. Anger coursed through me as I turned ready to swing the axe on my attacker.

"Bryan!" I yelled as I stared in disbelief at my attacker dropping the axe to the floor before I killed him. "I swear—"

"This is Monty's kill." Bryan interrupted. My eyes narrowing as I waited for him to explain.

"What are you talking about?" Monty's voice spoke up from behind Harper. My eyes flashing between him and Bryan.

"This is the man that murdered your father." I saw Monty's face fall, his eyes locked on the chief who was regaining his strength faster as he went to stand up. Harper's kick knocking him back down as he groaned again.

I kept an eye on Monty as I grabbed both the chief's axe and my sword before standing up. I saw the conflict clear on Monty's face, and knew which side had won as he moved around Bellamy to stand at the man's feet.

Monty's eyes flickered from the man to my left hand. The hand holding his axe. Against my better judgment, I threw the weapon onto the floor, interested to see if he would pick it up. My expression stoic as I watched him do exactly as I predicted.

"You don't have to do this." Bellamy whispered, glancing over to me for help.

"Yeah, I do." I shot Bellamy a look, asking him to trust me, his eyes filled with worry but settled when he gave me a nod. He knew I wouldn't let Monty kill the chief. Not based off of revenge.

And I'm glad Bellamy did, because I didn't stop Monty and neither did he, giving Monty the chance to swing the axe into the chains that held the slaves hostage. Freeing them once and for all.

I knew what was coming next, so I quickly traded out my sword for the small hunting knife and crouched by the chief's head, yanking his hair backwards as I whispered into his ear.

"I should let them beat you to death." I hissed as the freed slaves drew closer. "But even those who don't deserve mercy, receive it once in their life." I quickly slid the small blade into the man's jugular, watching the blood pour as I unceremoniously dropped his head to the floor and stood back and watched. He would bleed out within seconds, giving the first few the chance to lay a handful of blows on the man.

"Ahh!" He was able to scream once before he gurgled on his own blood.

"I'll take care of any stragglers, you round them up and take them home. I'll be there shortly." I didn't leave room for discussion, yet again, as I turned and walked away. Breathing deeply to calm myself. I was satisfied when all I saw were dead bodies of grounders and nothing else.

The way was clear for the rest of them, leaving me to wipe the blood from my dagger and head back up the cliff to Erebus.

Persphyni : I am Destruction जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें