vii. historia?

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍ᶦᵐᵃᵍᶦⁿᵉ | ᵉʳᵉⁿ ʲᵃᵉᵍᵉʳ

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THE TROUBLES WERE NEVER-ENDING. Just as one problem was resolved, another appeared. After barricading the doors, Lyanna and Henning were killed, followed by Gelger and Nanaba - her shrill cries breaking through the air as she was pulled apart limb by limb. That left just the Scout recruits, who were nowhere near as experienced as the Scouts who had just been cut down. And now all they could do was watch as the Titans swarmed closer, clawing at the tower like animals.

   "Damn it to Hell!" Connie cried as he sunk to his knees, defeated. "Do we just have to wait here until the tower falls and we get eaten alive? Is there nothing we can do about it? This sucks... we'll be wiped out without even finishing our mission-"

   "I'm not dying here," Margot cut him off, sitting with her back against the stone. "None of us are dying here." I still have so much to do, Margot thought, her hands balling into fists. I'm not dying here. Not like this. I'll be dammed if I let some ugly, overgrown looking toddler eat me alive.

   "I want to keep fighting, too," Krista agreed. "If only I had some sort of weapon, then I could fight and die alongside them-"

   "Krista, you're still saying things like that?" Ymir scoffed, frowning. "Don't you dare use their deaths. They didn't die so you'd have an excuse to get yourself killed."

   "That's-That's not what I meant-"

   "You're not like the rest of the Scouts! They don't want to die, but you don't even care. All you want is to die in a way that makes you seem like a hero," Ymir snapped, the anger clear in her eyes as she stared down at the small blonde, towering over her.

   "Th-That's not-"

   "Margot-" Ymir suddenly turned to Margot, who only raised an eyebrow in response, not having enough energy to say anything. "Give me that knife you had earlier. Just hand it over."

Margot furrowed her eyebrows, glancing over her shoulder at the Titans surrounding the castle. There was no point of keeping the knife. There was too many of them, even with her powers. It wasn't enough. Sighing, she reached into her boot and pulled out the knife, wiping it on her skirt thoroughly before handing it over to Ymir. It was safe, as she had cleared it of any blood that remained on it. She didn't want to poison Ymir, after all.

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄 , eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now