viii. betrayal

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓ᶦᵐᵃᵍᶦⁿᵉ | ᵉʳᵉⁿ ʲᵃᵉᵍᵉʳ

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EREN STILL STUCK BY HER SIDE as they reached the wall, sitting at the top as she had her ankle tended to

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EREN STILL STUCK BY HER SIDE as they reached the wall, sitting at the top as she had her ankle tended to. It wasn't that injured, just a little bruised. Eren sat beside her while it was being wrapped, playing with her fingers absent-mindedly. She figured he was still shaken over seeing her almost get eaten. Ymir was in a coma and was being taken care of by Historia, Hanji and a few other Scouts.

   "MARGOT!" Sasha's voice rang through the air as she ran over to them, wrapping her arms around Margot. "You're okay! Jean isn't here, but he's worried sick. He won't stop snapping at people. He's just stressed, I think. But it's okay. Once he hears that you're alright, he'll loosen up a bit." Margot smiled lightly, lifting her hand to rest on Sasha's head.

   "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon," Margot informed her, peering over Sasha's shoulder to see Connie, Armin and Mikasa approaching.

   "Margot..." Connie started, taking a seat next to Sasha. "Armin and Mikasa told me about you being... a witch? Can I say that? It sounds offensive."

   "As far as I'm aware, it's not offensive, no," Margot told him. "I'm sorry for not telling you guys sooner."

   "A witch?" Sasha squealed, grabbing Margot's hands, prompting Eren to place his hand on her thigh instead. "Does that mean you can do tricks and stuff? My dad used to talk about them. He said that they were beautiful women who lived a long time ago." Margot blushed, rubbing the back of her neck.

   "I don't know much about them specifically. I just know about the powers," Margot answered, holding up her injured hand. It had been wrapped up temporarily so that it could be tended to properly when they got back to base. "It's all in my blood, which is poisonous to anyone who isn't a witch. I can make it not harmful, but its natural state is fatal when it enters the bloodstream of another person. Even Titans. However, it isn't fatal against intelligent Titans. It's just extremely harmful to them."

   "That's how you harmed Annie," Mikasa realised. So the Female Titan was Annie. Connie and Sasha looked confused, but the conversation changed before they could ask.

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄 , eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now