vii. not alone

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MARGOT DIDN'T LEAVE HER ROOM for the next few days

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MARGOT DIDN'T LEAVE HER ROOM for the next few days. She ended up staying in her room following Kenny Ackerman's death, not once stepping outside or even leaving her bed. Rod Reiss' Titan had been successfully killed by Historia and the other Scouts and she had been announced as the new Queen. Her coronation was in a day's time, but none of that had been all too important to Margot. She was grieving.

   "Oi, Margot." Levi's tone was careful and calm, walking over to her bed as he entered her room. She was visible beneath the duvet cover she had thrown over her body, but she didn't respond. Sighing, Levi picked up the corner and pulled it away until he could actually see her face. She wasn't sleeping, but she had something in her arms. Kenny's fedora. Her eyes moved over to meet his, but she didn't say anything. "You can't stay in here forever. Historia's coronation is tomorrow."

   "I don't plan on staying here forever," Margot replied, letting go of the fedora and placing it on the bedside table. Levi glanced at the table, seeing the knife Kenny gave to her as well as a silver lighter. "It's not mine. It's Kenny's."

   "Right... That brat Eren asked me if he could see you," Levi sighed. "Normally I wouldn't allow you two to be alone together but if you want him to come here, I'll tell him."

Margot wondered if she wanted Eren to see her in this state. He had only ever seen her cry once - back when she found out Mila wasn't her mother by blood about a year ago. Margot was usually the type of person to isolate herself whenever she felt down, but she knew she couldn't avoid Eren. The only person she had actually spoken to in the last two days had been Jean and Levi. Nobody else had seen her. Well, Jean's mother had also stopped by and given Margot some omelettes to try and cheer her up, too.

   "Margot?" Levi nudged her a little, tilting his head as he waited for a response.

   "Yeah," Margot nodded, snuggling deeper into her pillow. "I'll talk to him."

Levi hesitated a little as he placed his hand on  the top of her head, ruffling her hair before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. Margot considered getting up to freshen herself up a bit - she knew she looked terrible. Her hair was a mess, and she had only really been wearing the shirt Eren lent to her after they had left the Underground Chapel. Running her hand over her face, Margot decided with a heavy sigh that she wouldn't get up. She doubted Eren would care whether or not she looked like shit or not.

The door creaked open and Eren made his way over to the side of her bed. He had seen his own mother die before his very eyes. And now she had shared a similar traumatising experience - seeing her father die. He could imagine the image was forever burnt in her memory just as it was in his. Kneeling down next to her bed, he saw that she was already looking at him. She looked so sad.

   "Do you want to go for a walk?" Eren asked. "You haven't left your room for a few days."

   "No, it's alright," Margot shrugged. "I'd rather stay here."

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