vi. the graduation

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SHOCK. That's all Margot could feel as she stood at her graduation, using all her power to stop her hands from trembling. This was it. After three years of training she had finally done what she had always wanted to do since she was a child. She had graduated from the Cadet Corps and was on her way to the military. It still didn't feel real to her, but she knew it was.

The sky was dark, but the lights around the headquarters offered enough illumination. There were less cadets than there had been at the start three years ago. But Margot Boudreaux had made it. Made it all the way to the top ten, in second place. It took all she had not to start grinning, but there was a slight smile on her face that peaked through. In first place was Mikasa Ackerman, and after Margot in descending order was Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Annie Leonhart, Eren Jaeger, Jean Kirstein, Marco Bodt, Connie Springer and then Sasha Braus. Margot knew Jean would be less than pleased to be behind Eren, but still glad he had at least made it into the top ten.

   "Do you have heart?" Commander Shadis exclaimed to all the cadets. They responded accordingly, their fist resting against their heart and their other hand positioned behind their back in the appropriate salute. "As of this moment, you have three options open to you. Choose wisely... The Garrison Regiment, whose job is to reinforce the walls. The Scout Regiment, who ride into Titan country to take back what is ours. And the MP Regiment, maintaining law and order under orders from His Royal Majesty."

Margot glanced down the line at Jean subtly, only her eyes moving. He was staring ahead, and so she couldn't read his expression. But she knew he was still dead-set on the MP Regiment. He hadn't asked her again what she would be going for, assuming she would be joining him. She didn't know if she had the heart to tell him she was now interested in the Scouts, but knew she had no choice but to tell him. He would find out anyway.

   "The Scouts eligible for the MP have already been named. The rest of you take a look, these are the top of your class!" He gestured towards the top ten cadets of the 104th Cadet Corps class, who stood on a higher platform than the other cadets. The bundle of nerves in Margot's stomach were uncontrollable, or perhaps she was just hungry. Either reason was valid.

Dinner came after the graduation, all the cadets buzzing after three years of training and hardworking finally paid off. Margot, on the other hand, was more interested in the food in front of her, shovelling soup into her mouth as Bertholdt sat across from her. He had proclaimed that he wanted to speak to her but hadn't said anything yet. So, while she was waiting, she ate her soup and bread. Eventually, he spoke.

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