ix. tea and accidents

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EREN LET MARGOT STAND BETWEEN HIS LEGS as she cleaned up the blood from his nose - the boy having had a nosebleed after coming back from his experiments

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EREN LET MARGOT STAND BETWEEN HIS LEGS as she cleaned up the blood from his nose - the boy having had a nosebleed after coming back from his experiments. He let his eyes wander over her face and the way she frowned a little due to how focused she was, turning away from him for a moment to throw away the blood-soaked tissue. Feeling his gaze on her face, Margot turned her attention to him properly.

   "You're staring."

   "Oh, yeah?" Eren smirked a little, not moving his gaze.

   "Yes. Your pretty boy eyes are throwing me off," Margot chuckled. Stepping away from him once she was done cleaning up his nose. As she turned away to clean up her hands, Eren lifted his hand to rub the back of his head, trying to figure out how to bring up what had been on his mind for the past day. In the end he just decided to say it.

   "I heard you talk with Jean, Connie and Sasha yesterday," Eren started. Margot put down the cloth in her hands, turning back to him with her arms folded. Seeing as she wasn't going to say anything, he continued. "You questioned whether you owe humanity anything after what they did to the witches. Your family."

Shifting on the spot, Margot lowered herself down into a chair, her shoulders lifting before falling down into a small shrug.

   "I was just worked up." She expected him to oppose her. He had, after all, dedicated himself to saving humanity. Hearing his own girlfriend doubt her allegiance to the cause would surely rub him the wrong way. "All the witches wanted was freedom, and instead they were killed. Brutally murdered. Even now there's stigma around us. Word has gotten out about me being a witch and it's only a matter of time before people try to do the same shit to me."

   "Nobody's going to try and kill you, Margot."

   "How can you be so sure?"

   "Because I said I was going to protect you, didn't I?" Eren sounded frustrated - not at her. More directed to the situation itself. "Look at where you are, Margot. You're the second strongest soldier in our class, and you trained for years to get there. Don't give up now."

   "I haven't given up," Margot denied. "Not yet. I still have people to fight for. Both dead and alive. That's all that matters..."

Eren looked at her, seeing how tired she looked. She'd lost both her motherly figure and her father in the space of three months, so it was understandable. She was hurt. Walking over to her, he placed his hand under her chin and lifted her bowed head so that she could look at him properly, her grey eyes gazing up at him. He could tell she wasn't getting enough sleep either. It was clear as day.

   "I'm sorry for not noticing sooner how you felt," Eren apologised, dropping his hand from her chin. She took his hand into her own.

   "You don't need to be sorry. You've got enough on your plate as it is," Margot shrugged. "I didn't want you to worry."

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄 , eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now