How the story began

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3rd person POV:

We see a woman sitting in the quirk doctors office with her hyper son.  "Mom! Mom! what do you think my quirk is going to be? I hope I can be a cool Hero!" The small boy says bouncing in his chair.  "I don't know Izuku, but you can be anything as long as you work hard" She says to the boy.

"Miss Midoriya, we're ready for you" The nurse says.  They are then lead into a small examination room and take a seat before the doctor comes in.  "Hello, I understand that you're here to find out Izuku's quirk.  All we need to do is take some X-rays and do some tests" he says before they go to start the tests.  After a while they both come back into the room and Izuku goes back to sit with Inko.  

"As you can see here Izuku is missing the second joint in his pinky toe" he says gesturing to the X-ray.  "That's good, it means that Izuku has a quirk.  The other tests were to indicate what type of quirk it is and what it's able to do.  The first one seems to be a music quirk.  The second seems to be locked away somehow but we were able to tell that it is a Kitsune mutation quirk, He should sprout Fox ears and a tail but we aren't sure about the other parts of that quirk.  All we can do is wait for it to emerge. Any other information will be in this packet" he says handing Inko a few papers stapled together.

Time skip to when they got home

Izuku's POV:

We made it home and I wanted to try out my new quirk.  In the packet the doctor gave mommy it says that all I have to do to summon anything is that I have to picture what it looks like and it should appear. I wasn't sure what to play so mommy showed me a picture of something called a Ukulele.  

I concentrated on it and sure enough a black Ukulele with green strings was in my hands.  I wasn't sure what to do next because I've never played an instrument before but I started strumming not really paying attention because I was just happy it worked but Mommy said I did really good, she also took a video and sent it to Auntie Mitsuki.  I couldn't wait to show Kacchan my quirk, he already had a really cool one.  He was able to make explosions from his hands.

It started getting late so mom told me to get ready for bed.  "What should I do with this?" I ask mom holding my Ukulele up.  "The paper says to imagine it vanishing like you're putting it away" Mommy says but I didn't like that, I wanted to keep it.  "No! I want to keep it" I say pouting, "You can always make it again but we don't have anywhere to keep it right now" Mommy say.   She was right, my room wasn't big enough I already had a lot of hero stuff.  I finally made the instrument disappear and said good night before going to bed.

The next morning

I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I'm not sure why but something was off this morning.  I made my way down the hall to the living room; mommy was making breakfast.  "Good morning mommy, that smells really yummy" I say still rubbing my eyes.  "Good morning Izu- Oh my gosh Izuku, you have Ears" she says stunned.  I giggle before saying "Of course I do mommy they're right here" as I grab my ears on the sides of my head.  

"No Izuku, you have fox ears" she says still surprised.  "I run to the Bathroom and stand on the box we have in there so I can reach the sink and I look in the mirror.  Sure enough I have two fuzzy ears on my head that match my hair. Then I felt something tug in my PJ pants and look to see I also have a tail that is the same color as my ears and hair. I also noticed that my teeth were sharper like fangs.  "So cool!" I shout as my mom walks up to the door to see me holding my tail, it's really soft and silky.

The morning only got better because mom brought me to pick up Kacchan to bring us to school.  He came running out of the house with auntie Mitsuki behind him.  "Hey Izu, you got your quirk! What is it?" He asks as he looks at my ears and tail.  "Hey Kacchan, I have these ears and tail but I also have a second quirk.  It's a music one!" I say matching his enthusiasm.  "Watch this" I say before summoning the Ukulele just like yesterday.  "Woah, that came out of nowhere, that's so cool." he says patting my back.  

The musical Fox hero: KitsuneWhere stories live. Discover now